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With the return of the Wilderness will we go back to seeing 1v1 melee fights with no prayer or instant overheads? No hybriding and [a lot less] teleporting?

It would please me to no end to see the pking community return to the honour code.


i didn't think about this :o


Hybridding will still exist, maybe more of it.  Kids botting mills for others for others to smite out.  1v1 hasn't been much overheads.  I do think a new type of staking will be overheads though.


all i know is im getting 52 pray so many kids running around with claws + ags that they botted... shits gonna be cash!@


hmmm im really unsure


all i know is im getting 52 pray so many kids running around with claws + ags that they botted... shits gonna be cash!@

Nuff Said :]


what if... you can run back for chaotics?


what if... you can run back for chaotics?

dont be stupid son


what if... you can run back for chaotics?

u shud b able 2


what if... you can run back for chaotics?

u shud b able 2



no hybriding rofl? yh lets just take all skill out of the game. 1v1 edge fights are around now, i dont see why wildy changes that at all.


Remember, alot of things have changed in the days. Turmoil got introduced, theyr talking about bringing extreme's in and maybe even nontradeble items. This would be extreme overkill, hitting 600s with whips, and 800s with chaotic mauls. I know I'll be praying when I get the chance.....

IMO the pray rule is a bit outdated. It was made when you could only fight people around your own combat (1v1ing in edge) and when people couldn't 2 hit 990 hp. In pvp worlds people with 16 cmb's higher can attach me, that's a lvl 110. There is no way I can possibly outhit him without overheads. I simply have to pray and run. Or be so polite to ask for a overhead fight and hoping he is one of the 0.1% players that is honorous. Same with lvl 80 pures that I can attack.

About the teleports, ppl will be risking alot more. More loot > more risks, and without any ep loss and easy teleports (to anywhere in a rs world) the concequenses will be alot less than now-a-days.


I remember when skill meant knowing when to venge or when to switch to a dds, and now it's knowing when to pray and tele and autoswitch and hide and mage

Ew how shitty pkers are nowadays


I remember when skill meant knowing when to venge or when to switch to a dds, and now it's knowing when to pray and tele and autoswitch and hide and mage

Ew how shitty pkers are nowadays

coming of change, loss of simplicity


Bridding will still be there but i think more people will smite rather than using prots, IMO


I remember when skill meant knowing when to venge or when to switch to a dds, and now it's knowing when to pray and tele and autoswitch and hide and mage

Ew how shitty pkers are nowadays

nobody has a problem with the way you PK if you enjoy sitting in edge watching ur random generated hits pop up BE MY FUCKING GUEST just dont fucking expect everyone to adjust your fucking ancient pking style. edge pking was fun, years ago. people have moved on they decided to use more than 1 combat style at a time now stop crying and go spam click ur veng button while waiting for korasi spec to reload and calling people safers


I need to get 52 bastard pray.


I remember when skill meant knowing when to venge or when to switch to a dds, and now it's knowing when to pray and tele and autoswitch and hide and mage

Ew how shitty pkers are nowadays

nobody has a problem with the way you PK if you enjoy sitting in edge watching ur random generated hits pop up BE MY FUCKING GUEST just dont fucking expect everyone to adjust your fucking ancient pking style. edge pking was fun, years ago. people have moved on they decided to use more than 1 combat style at a time now stop crying and go spam click ur veng button while waiting for korasi spec to reload and calling people safers

I dont use Korasi

I dont call people safers im not 12

When did you get so hard

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