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13 or 52 pray


13 or 52 pray?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. 13 or 52 pray?

    • 13 Pray
    • 52 Pray

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Ok so with the news of the old wildy comming back ive realised that 13 pray may be pointless on my pure. With the old wildy comming back protect item and smite will now be a good asset to pking.

So i was wondering wether i should go 52 pray maxing at 79 cmb, or stay 13 pray maxing at 74 cmb, VOTE PLS C:


52, smiting retards out for their botted bank will make GP's.


ye thats the plan adhi, i just wanna know wat others think about it


stay 13 and see if they do release old wilderness again if so definitely get 52

Benny The Leak LMAO

Stay 13 until old Wildy and *if* the old wildy does come out then id recommend 52.

You and me and go smite sum bitches :)


i would say stay 13 until old wildy is out

if it come back just as it was before 52 no doubt about it :)


If the old wildy comes back defo get 52, no doubt about it.


52 to smite someone's botted AGS, claws, whips ect


since when did jagex say anything about +1 dissappearing



only idiots who cant pk have 13 pray cuz then they have an excuse for being sht at switching.


im 13 atm but if old wild comes back im going for smite right away


13 isn't really that great.

IMO get 45 and wait until they actually update it, then get 52 if it's legit.


52, smite is amazing and is just going to become even better  ;)


13 for now, wait till the old wildy comes back (if it does then) the smite nerds


52 all the way. If you get an awesome zerk or main buddy, they can heal your opponent while you smite away with tb entangle and msb.. good old days. ♥


You should stay 13 pray till old wild.

IF old wild returns you should get at least 31 for ultimate strength and protect item, preferrably 52 to smite out whips/claws/godswords.


After the update get 52. Don't get it before it though, because if it doesn't happen 52 is kinda pointless. You might want to get the bones soon though because I'm sure a lot of people will be getting 52, including possibly myself.

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