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Why is Justin Beiber hated?

pked fo sho1

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I don't listen to his music or anything, but why do people hate him? Is it jealousy? The way he acts? Sings? What?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with him.

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.

This exactly.

Buddy from my university comes from the town he grew up in, apparently he was always a preppy little shit who was always just so full of himself; basically he was always hated there lol

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.

No, he's in the music industry because he got offered 2 record deals, for his singing on youtube, it's nothing to do with being attractive, he's one of the few who actually earned what he has.

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@Dog, making 3 YouTube videos is hardly an effort. Besides, I'm not focusing on HOW he got signed, but the way in which his shit sells.

I obviously can't knock the kid, if I was told to sing someone else's songs and pose in teenage magazines for 100M I'd obvious jump at the chance, same goes for the machine driving him, it all puts food in their children's mouths. However, my hatred is towards the cunty kids who buy into that shit, the types who convince themselves they love him and build and obsession because it gives their boring, unforfilling lives texture.

I'm in an all female class, so I see how this shit works. Whenever music becomes a topic of convosation in class it takes seconds before the word 'hot' is used. I'm sure every guy here would say Shakira is hot as fuck, but you wouldn't buy her album or see her live. Girls on the other hand will.

All girls are retarded and easily impressionable. Call me a bigot, but it's true.


If anyone was thinking about saying otherwise, here's an undeniable example - Twilight. You hear the Twilight every-fucking-where, but you NEVER, EVER hear about the plot, the epic storyline, soundtrack or special effects. It's all how attractive Jacob and Edward are. As for evedence regarding infactuation, look at the whole 'Team Jacob/Edward' bullshit. Two oppositely attractive guys and you got every girl in America eating out of Stephanie Myre's cunt.

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.

this, and if i could quote your most recent post i would.  i know people who are 1000x more talented than that kid, and it makes me sick that they go unnoticed and this guy makes millions.  props that he's out there and making bank, but the bs way he does it i hate. (also hate his music, but that's opinion based)
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I have nothing against him.

I don't like his fans or his haters either.

They are both annoying, but his fans tip the scale on this one.

He is an all right musician at best. Mediocre dancer as well.

But his haters also aggravate me because on EVERY SINGLE POPULAR YOUTUBE VIDEO he gets mentioned/hated. It's scary how much his haters talk about him.

Those are my two cents though.

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15 year old singing about love.


Sorry not really... I mean what else is he going to sing about? Hes like 16 and going through puberty what else would you sing about? About how war affects the world? about religion and how much he loves god? Anyway I don't really have a problem with him and when I asked my friends why they call him a fag they don't have a answer I guess its just because thats what people do and its human nature to follow.. I do agree that he doesin't really have talent and that he shouldin't really deserve the publicity he is geting, I mean he wrote a book, made a nail polish line, a movie..
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15 year old singing about love.


Sorry not really... I mean what else is he going to sing about? Hes like 16 and going through puberty what else would you sing about?

That's not a valid excuse. You can't just sing songs for no apparent reason other than to just be singing, that's stupid. If I wrote a song about how I like punching cabbage even though I've never done it, that would just be silly.

The real reasoning behind that is the one stated in the Jon Lajoie video that was posted, the part about how it makes him seem sensitive and romantic so that teenage girls get wet for it.

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A quote from RWJ: "Anyone who loves Justin Bieber that much is probably a 12 year old girl. Anyone who hates Justin Bieber that much is a probably an 11 year old boy."

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15 year old singing about love.



+ his annoying as fuck squealing auto tuned to the max fail voice. + his incredi-homo haircut.

+ as ppl said, he pull so many chicks, and i can't see why.

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