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Why is Justin Beiber hated?

pked fo sho1

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.


"music" has nothing to do with talent these days, it's all about who can look good and get publicity. And as I see a lot of Jon LaJoie quotes in here...


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I've never been jealous of him, IDK why a lot of you are saying that it's jealousy. All he does is sing other peoples shit, and get pictures taken of him and he makes more than any REAL talented person makes in a few years, hes a tool in my mind. If he wasn't so "attractive" to the average 12 year old girl then he would be a useless piece of shit to the companies that own him. Also, the part about what Jim said about how he portrays his life as unfair and hard? That's the biggest shit I've ever heard, hes had no real hardships in life, and he's gonna be fucked as soon as his career is over, because he knows jack-shit about the real world.

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Lotsa people are jealous I guess yeah.

I just think his music sucks and he got a million dollar house and a Lamborghini while he's 16 xD.

Nah jk, idc bout that. He's the king of hypnotizing 16 year old guys, while I fucking hate his song and voice.

That what makes me think: 'what a fag'.

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Gareth l Rare


Its because loads of kids are SHEEP.

10 people go fuck JB and they go fuck yeah fuck JB


Most people are just idiots.

End of the day, he sang on youtube, got famouse and now has millions. Respect to him, i ant got a problem with him until he links my lil cuz who fancys him like crazy> breaks her heart and i find and decapitate him for breaking baby cuz heart.

Until then i ant got a problem with him.

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Its because loads of kids are SHEEP.

10 people go fuck JB and they go fuck yeah fuck JB


Most people are just idiots.

End of the day, he sang on youtube, got famouse and now has millions. Respect to him, i ant got a problem with him until he links my lil cuz who fancys him like crazy> breaks her heart and i find and decapitate him for breaking baby cuz heart.

Until then i ant got a problem with him.

What about if i do it though? That's cool, right?

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He has a mediocre at-best singing voice, doesn't write his own music, is in the music industry solely on the basis that he's attractive. What I'm getting at is this - hypothetically-speaking, let's imagine he was 14 stone, had a bit of acne, short hair and wasn't a massive faggot. You think those nice teenagers would buy his shit? No. He's made over 100M by doing NOTHING other than look good.

He acts so hard done-by, firstly he says he's the 'Kurt Cobain of his generation', like really? I'm sure I don't have to evaluate this for you. Another example is that he talks about how he had an unfair advantage because he's 'From a small town', his 'small town' was of 30,000 in Canada, he makes out as though he's from the Favela slums in Brazil or some shit.

I could rant on all day, but the biggest thing for me is that he's always in my fucking face being the precosious little cunt that he is. I like music, so I listen to the radio, he's there - in my face. I turn on the TV - he's there, being interviewed - in my face.

Basicly, he's everything that is wrong with music. It's all industry driven. Like how he has a book, EVERYONE knows he has the personality of a toilet brush and that his book will contain hollow stories of a mundaine life where he does fuck all, yet his management puts it out there because it sells, no other reason.

Couldn't have said it better.

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