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M oo's Goal's and Achievments :)

M oo

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Hey, so I am new here and I decided to post pics of my pure and my goals for him atm. I'll keep leveling Till I feel I have the appropriate levels to join FOE. :P I might go for 60 attack soon or maybe even 75 Idk yet.

I Will be adding updated Stat pictures as I level.

Starting Stats:



Starting Bank:


My Goal for my Bank is 100m-200m NetWorth, Atm its around 15m.


Attack: 50/60

Strength: 87/99

Magic: 90/94

Ranged: 71/99

Hp: 76/99

Prayer: 12/44/95

Mining: 88/99

Thieving: 85/99

Addy Gloves

These are my stat goals for now.

I'll try to keep updated as Much as I can. :X

-M oo


Nice account start.

Good luck with goals Bro.


Coolcool, get your range up before anything else >< shouldn't be lower than your strength...

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