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Kill the phishers, watch this!

P0ke N Die

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Well basically some kids have been phishing on IRC for like 3 months now, they are known as FailFishes. They did it today on a mass scale and hacked a good 20+ pure accounts from pure clans. I made a video dedicated to getting these kids what they deserve. You might have a problem with me, but if FOE members have been hacked then you should understand where I'm coming from. Here's the video...


Please watch the video and email jagex, spread this to your friends.


i really dont mind failfishies, hes phishing mains and downed over 50b of all the accs he phished, so imo hes doing a good thing, but a way bad thing, the good thing as in making the economy decrease, but hes phishing


i dont trust links from new accounts sorry


Link is safe and whats up Chris? What happened to Cy


Some kid called cass is trying to phish me now. what should i do to avoid getting phished?




You're a flmaing homosexual :wub:


Some kid called cass is trying to phish me now. what should i do to avoid getting phished?

be a hunt godlink when it comes to clicking links


i really dont mind failfishies, hes phishing mains and downed over 50b of all the accs he phished, so imo hes doing a good thing, but a way bad thing, the good thing as in making the economy decrease, but hes phishing

Are you fucking stupid?


lol i've been subbed to this guy for as long as i remember, if you're stupid enough to get phished you deserve it. :D


l phishers. getting phished / phishing is bad regardless. its even illegal in some places. i dontk now how some1 could say its even remotely good


be a hunt godlink when it comes to clicking links


i really dont mind failfishies, hes phishing mains and downed over 50b of all the accs he phished, so imo hes doing a good thing, but a way bad thing, the good thing as in making the economy decrease, but hes phishing

You dumb?


Wait, i reckon this guy making the videos is a part of Failfishes.. He's Scouse, so big big evidence there.  :shifty:


funny cause i know failfishes in real life XD


funny cause i know failfishes in real life XD

that's not funny at all.


It's funny to see people talking about him when im sitting next to him, ill show him this thread later


Lol the fail fishes. Poke I remember you from CY vent. I used to hang around there almost everyday lol.

Idk what you're doing is right ... I mean in reality ... they are taking pixels .... but what you're doing is giving their identity, address, phone number, facebook away for everyone to see.

I guess what goes around comes around for them, but if they stop you should take down the video/links/pictures because they can be really damaging.

Just my two cents. Karma's a bitch. Billy Corby is fat. That is all.


It's funny to see people talking about him when im sitting next to him, ill show him this thread later

If you're sitting next to him surely he can see the thread now


I'm not literally sitting next to him at this very second,  theirs been more post's than just this about him


Anybody can make a phish.

Any retard will click a phish.

Back to the point, Wasn't you phishing on IRC?

Nevertheless good job lol  ^_^


i dont trust links from new accounts sorry

uh oh he ratted a youtube link

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