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Foe vs Team Omega 12/24/10 ~Tractorjoe56

Average Joe

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Was fun, Third round is a lol.

Spittles (Old School)

Nice cursor, lol.


midnight minis with 0br's dark mode = success


looool at the kid leaving the portal haha


HAHAHHA lol at leaving portal PANIC!


Nice, last round was lol when half of u guys were in shit gear and tlp we're boasting about it in vid.

Btw gratz on officer kid

 Called me a kid, Dont appreciate that shit nigga.

Nice, last round was lol when half of u guys were in shit gear and tlp we're boasting about it in vid.

Btw gratz on officer kid

You have been warned.


OMG kid who left portal roflflflf

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