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Jesus Pk Video 1 - Maxed Pure


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Heres my first pk video on Jesus, it's rather short but I didn't have a whole lot of time to edit/find the right clips to get it out on Christmas. I'm still proud of it though.


Comment/rate/subscribe and if you feel like it pass it to friends, trying to get my new channel started up. I'll be making a #Jesus compilation video after the wild comes back, along with some other random videos before I release my second pk video on Easter.

Thanks everyone!


1st, will edit.

I liked it, but it's a bit short and music is overused.

BTW it was good for a 1st vid, keep it up and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jesus Christ!!


For a 1st video, decent.

#1 thing is more variety.

#2 use more item switches when bridding. 1-2 item switches is kinda boring.


did i ever tell u i love you?


This really made me laugh, I like the effort of releasing "Jesus' PK Vid" on Christmas Day, will watch and edit later.


i don't want to compare it to others so I won't


Ahaha nice vid Jesus, keep it up!

Cant wait for God's :lol:


Love ur rsn still tbh lol

Good job for a 1st video :p


*Nearly maxed, but very nice vid, loved it.


nice bro.work on ur 15%'s wen bridding a little more and try and get more switches wen u improve


*Nearly maxed, but very nice vid, loved it.

I cal myself maxed because HP is really not something pures should have at 99 to abuse the combat system. It's needed at a decent level, but maxing it now for me would get 8 levels and 2 combats. Not worth it :p

And thanks for all the feedback, and yeah some of the clips are a bit older before I started switching more than one item(2-3?). Didn't see the point until I got better at bridding.  ;o


finally this came out, nice vid man keep it up


Jesus Christ, bit longer rest = good.


Pretty short

Not many/slow items switches

Besides that the vid was nice.


Our saviour is here!

amazing vid and great bridding  <3

looking forward to #2


nice job on the vid, i loved it

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