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Heh, bitches.


is old pest control coming back too?

i want old pc because old pc was good and fun


Time to smack kids all over again.


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D


Quick army of /b/, ruin another thing on the internet while you still have a chance!

Jk gf #no, wb recycled wildy. ā™„


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the old wildy.


old wild will never be the same with all this over powered shit anyway


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the old wildy.

Considering the vast majority of people who PK at my pure's level have no prayer whatsoever, for example... Yeah, it's gonna be fun.


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the old wildy.

they've never touched protect item

they've never done anything but pray and run

they tele

they don't know how to 1v1 with one attack style

this defines every pker from 2008-2010


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the old wildy.

they've never touched protect item

they've never done anything but pray and run

they tele

they don't know how to 1v1 with one attack style

this defines every pker from 2008-2010

ok. i do agree that they have never touched protect item, but praying and running, teleing, and 1v1 pking with one attack style has been going on since pking began. and if your try to fight a pker from 2008-2010, they would shit on a 05-07 pker. a whip, dds, and some barrage runes isnt enough to kill someone nowadays.


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the old wildy.

they've never touched protect item

they've never done anything but pray and run

they tele

they don't know how to 1v1 with one attack style

this defines every pker from 2008-2010

ok. i do agree that they have never touched protect item, but praying and running, teleing, and 1v1 pking with one attack style has been going on since pking began. and if your try to fight a pker from 2008-2010, they would shit on a 05-07 pker. a whip, dds, and some barrage runes isnt enough to kill someone nowadays.

I'm going to have to agree with Dreader on this one based on the fact that there have been so many new updates and if you haven't kept up with the turmoil prods/korasis/void dbowers/claw rushers/rushers in general/food comboing/ then you're probably going to have a hard time.

Protect item isn't HARD to use. I'm sure the bridders will have an easy time doing that.

I'm just excited about the loots I'm going to get.

Mhmm. This is going to be real fun.


Fucking 2010 prods are gonna get the shit beat out of them not knowing what the fuck to do in the old wildy, shit's gonna be fun :D

what do you mean they wont know what to do? the only difference from the old wild and bh is the fact that you get all your opponents loots, and that it's in more than one world. the pking is still the same, just a different environment. if anything, YOU wont know what to do with the "2k10 prods" running around in the oldĀ 

they've never touched protect item

they've never done anything but pray and run

they tele

they don't know how to 1v1 with one attack style

this defines every pker from 2008-2010

ok. i do agree that they have never touched protect item, but praying and running, teleing, and 1v1 pking with one attack style has been going on since pking began. and if your try to fight a pker from 2008-2010, they would shit on a 05-07 pker. a whip, dds, and some barrage runes isnt enough to kill someone nowadays.

I'm going to have to agree with Dreader on this one based on the fact that there have been so many new updates and if you haven't kept up with the turmoil prods/korasis/void dbowers/claw rushers/rushers in general/food comboing/ then you're probably going to have a hard time.

Protect item isn't HARD to use. I'm sure the bridders will have an easy time doing that.

I'm just excited about the loots I'm going to get.

Mhmm. This is going to be real fun.

none the less, it will be fun :). i might even come back to rs.

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