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Untradable pking?


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Fighter Helm, Torso, Fire Cape, Chaotic Weapon (Or Korasi), Dragon Defender, Berserker Ring (i) / Onyx Ring (i), and Barrows Gloves.

Seems a bit stupid doesn't it?

All you lose is your Amulet, Platelegs and a pair of Boots, and you've basically got maxed Strength Bonuses. Idk if I'm for or against getting back your items, but all I know is I really can't be fucked getting back non-tradeables when I lose them, so meh.


tricky subject, old runescape was so different, no prod weps like now. And you would go back and loot your firecape. which was one of the few untradeable items with str bonus. soo hopefully they go into specifics with the items you will and wont keep. runescape pking wont be the same if everybody has max str bonus in untradeables pking. just will be unfair for the general public trying to have fun. imo.


Yeah xweare but as already stated..

Fighter Helm, Torso, Fire Cape, Chaotic Weapon (Or Korasi), Dragon Defender, Berserker Ring (i) / Onyx Ring (i), and Barrows Gloves.

That's just about every gear spot lol there won't be anything to pk


Tbh they better add it so you can run back for untradeables, if not im probably going to rage hard :@

I quote Mod mark

"We are going to make pking as much as to 2006 as we can"

Runback for untradeables or gtfo fagex


600k votes atm need 1m+ looks like its not happening?


Mod mark posted on forums saying that they'd like to see a million votes but in the end, its very unrealistic.

So don't worry about that


Fighter Helm, Torso, Fire Cape, Chaotic Weapon (Or Korasi), Dragon Defender, Berserker Ring (i) / Onyx Ring (i), and Barrows Gloves.

Seems a bit stupid doesn't it?

All you lose is your Amulet, Platelegs and a pair of Boots, and you've basically got maxed Strength Bonuses. Idk if I'm for or against getting back your items, but all I know is I really can't be fucked getting back non-tradeables when I lose them, so meh.

Old wildy had: Fighter helm, Torso, Fire cape, Rune Defender, Barrows gloves... all you've added was Chaotic/Korasi and a ring - which, a lot of people don't have Chaotic, and even if they did they'll probably protect that anyways. So that leaves you with a ring. People used Berserker rings in old wildy, but not often.

If you don't want someone to get their stuff back, kill them when they return. Simple enough.

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