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Getting annoying

Fear my fez

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Everyone commenting on the "good old days" even though half of them havent even been playing since constitution came out. I know i haven't been around as long as other but i can atleast say ive been around since the wildy even if i didnt know how to play back then. Its just same people dont even know what the fuck they're saying and they dont even bother to say it in a different way. Like instead of saying oh yeah ive played since 03 or something its always "yeah i cant wait to pwn hard like i did in the good ol' days" LIKE FFS ATLEAST THINK OF SOMETHING CREATIVE.

/end rant, im tired just getting fucking annoying seeing the same comments everywhere. I understand here in foe alot more people have been around since wildy than i think but still, theres definately a few people on the foe forums and loads on youtube that are really pissing me off when saying it. Like does it hurt that much to see a topic about wildy and either just dont post or say something like "i cant wait for wildy to come out! I bet its so much fun!" or "Yeah im happy i'll probably be able to experience the wildy for the first time!"


i only remember getting 1 hit in wildy at varrock multi, i didn't even know about pures until 2006-2007 or so after finding out that people make videos on runescape.

So yeah lol im a newfag that really misses the good old days anyway.


No-one complained like that back in the good 'ol days...

oh and lol@chris


fuck, those good ol' days sure where good when he could pk and im so HXC coz i plaid back IN THE DAY with my 1337 5K1LLZ


i only remember getting 1 hit in wildy at varrock multi, i didn't even know about pures until 2006-2007 or so after finding out that people make videos on runescape.

So yeah lol im a newfag that really loves steroids, too bad he wont stop killing me with his l337 bridding


i only remember getting 1 hit in wildy at varrock multi, i didn't even know about pures until 2006-2007 or so after finding out that people make videos on runescape.

Yeah I'm still extremely gay and talk shit about other people who enjoy the wildernessss.

Calm down. You can't bag on people over getting excited over the wilderness. If you don't like it then leave.

Have a good day.


06 pride s0n

04 pride son.


I can't wait to pk for 100% loots like the old days and trade stuff from my other accs though. I've played for longer than you


06 pride s0n

04 pride son.

02 pride.

inb4 Ikz with his 01 pride... :shifty:


06 pride s0n

04 pride son.

02 pride.

inb4 Ikz with his 01 pride... :shifty:

01 pride :shifty: lol


06 pride s0n

04 pride son.

02 pride.

inb4 Ikz with his 01 pride... :shifty:

01 pride :shifty: lol

00 pride


i started just as they took wildy out FML


i only remember getting 1 hit in wildy at varrock multi, i didn't even know about pures until 2006-2007 or so after finding out that people make videos on runescape.

Yeah I'm still extremely gay and talk shit about other people who enjoy the wildernessss.

Calm down. You can't bag on people over getting excited over the wilderness. If you don't like it then leave.

Have a good day.

i cant wait for wildy to come out, im really excited its just when other people use the words quoted in my first post....




vote for wildy and we wont have to worry about crap loots =D

Guest Sowat Impure

Having played runescape longer does not make you cool.

Ex: 02 man!!




the reason i think alot of people want wildy back its because before they removed it pk was so easy no that much pures and im guessing that they think pking will be as easy as back then but no ea day theres less stupid people

and the 100 precent loots :P


i only remember getting 1 hit in wildy at varrock multi, i didn't even know about pures until 2006-2007 or so after finding out that people make videos on runescape.

So yeah lol im a newfag that really misses the good old days anyway.

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