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toool pk video 1 preview


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a lot of editing just for 3 clips, i hope to good ur vid won't be overedited


the editing is fucking annoying lol, but gl wit ur big vid C:


the editing is fucking annoying lol, but gl wit ur big vid C:


Edit is shit, PKer is shit, just plain shit.


Edit is shit, PKer is shit, just plain shit.

could of been a new taco limey vid you didnt even open the vid you're just saying it because you dont like me so all i have to say is fuck off retardĀ  ;)


great bridĀ  :victory:

looking forward to full vid


the editing is fucking annoying lol, but gl wit ur big vid C:


clicking special attack 4 times isnt pking sry m8


clicking special attack 4 times isnt pking sry m8

pk stands for player kill i used 4 specs and killed a player so it would be pking and thats just stupid 90% of kills in pk vids these days are specs..


clicking special attack 4 times isnt pking sry m8

pk stands for player kill i used 4 specs and killed a player so it would be pking and thats just stupid 90% of kills in pk vids these days are specs..

kinda sad kid tho u fc vs lower cb and spec 4 times not letting him eat sad?


Looks good but a lil over editted.


Editing is pretty epic but i think it would hurt my eyes if i watched a 5min+ vid with that much :lol:

Can't wait for your actual vid, you're a pro brid and deserve to be more known :p


Wth! Toool with a pk video soon? OWNAGEEEEEEEEE!


I hope it's not over edited, but I look forward to seeing it.


Editing was a little to much lol tell ur editor to edit less :p

was good though


clicking special attack 4 times isnt pking sry m8

pk stands for player kill i used 4 specs and killed a player so it would be pking and thats just stupid 90% of kills in pk vids these days are specs..

kinda sad kid tho u fc vs lower cb and spec 4 times not letting him eat sad?

why are you even saying this on your 3rd pk video your opening clip is you farcasting a lower level then speccing him..

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