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Old Spice Spoof

Shut Up Kid

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Hello MM, look at your forums, now back at our forums, now back at your forums, now back to ours. Sadly, your forums aren't ours, but if your community stopped being retarded and started being civil, your forums could be like ours. look down, now back up, where are we, on a forum with a nice community that could be like your community, look at your forum, now back to our forum, what is it? It's a welcome to the forum you've always wanted to be in, look again, the forums are now FOE forums. Anything is possible when your community isn't retarded.

i was bored so i made this, any good  ? :p


I could imagine saying him that with his deep dark voice^^


...I'm on a thread


u copied my sig

no theres alot of remixes/versions of it

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