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Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

Calc to get 1-57 summoning.. i have charms

(just need 130 more crimson)

(1-19 is provided after completion of quest)

19-22  20 chrim

22-28 54 chrimson + 54 obby tockens

28-33 150 green compost

33-41 400 green

41-46 191 chrimson

46-49 118 chrimson

49-52 149 chrimson

52-55 619 gold

55-57 171 chrimson/371green

Why do this? Wtf is point of this thread?

Well checked Calc prices and profit ph isnt that bad for fuck all work and effort


Question is

Do they buy well

Will people reject me staking wise like back in the day> to old school stakers


higher combat does affect levels which will fight regardless of stats even if same> you have to front more cash bla bla bla

And do you think its worth the trouble of training 1-57 just to run pouches or am i just wasting my time on this theory


I tried doing it a while back, it was brilliant money for a short amount of time then turned into about 100k/h. Would have to try it out again


meh i still got to get 50 sum

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