Zany Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 .........::::::::::: FOE F2P Mini-warring guide :::::::::::......... -Post 1 = Key points discriptions, overall tactiques-Post 2 = Gear/Inventory discription + Mini-guide on how to get invited for minis+ Video clips of how to hug & combo eat! (Coming Soon!)ESSENSIAL - doing a mini is a team performance, selfish acts like looting(with the exception of food if you're out), running away and not coming back to avoid die'ing,logging, whine about being piled, leaving during a mini etc. is NOT tolerated. STICK TOGETHER, be a unit! always be focused on piling as quick as possibly, listening to ts, and constantly, pay attention to your HP/prayer. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[Teamspeak] - Piling/Navigation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you dont have teamspeak, dont expect to be invited to a mini-war. (not an important one anyway)one of the reasons FOE dominates mini-wars is our teamspeak communication, piling is perfect using this tool, everybody knows what to do (what side to pull, who to pile/bind, what to prot etc) , ofcourse ingame spamming is still usefull but keep your main focus on piling/binding and ofcourse surviving. if no pile is being called. attack the weakest/closest. do not stand there looking stupid waiting for someone to callout a name. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[TANKING] - Dragging/Hugging/Eating:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -Eatingsafe up! before you reach 50% of your max hp, run abit to the side with most FOE members and safe up. (if it comes to around 5v5 or less you can try risking it to KO/lure people but be safe)beware of the pizza combo delaying your ability to move around. running comes before clicking the food, do not try to sit in the middle of the fight and tank it out, unless you're being binded and are a tanker. if binded, do 1 combo and run before doing the next.-Draggingthis is one of the most used ways of tanking because we often fight in open areas without obstacles to hug. dragging means running to a side shaking/binding your enemies off you, it is important to swiftly get back into the fight, dont stop to chill abit, eat full, and walk back. RUN back asap while eating up. -Huggingin its simple form its running to the opposite side of an obstacle to leave your enemy stuck beteween the obstacle and yourself. when you get more experienced, you will learn how to keep running to the opposite side before the enemy reaches you. and that way win time for your team. if more obstacles and more experienced you can hug from obstacle to obstacle leaving your enemies even further behind. but still being pretty close to get back at them!if out of food and enemies catching up on you. make your sacrifize even more worth by trying to lure them as far away as possible (obv not to single areas(out of boundries)) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[bINDING] - Binding the piles, and more...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Binding along with teamspeak spamming is the supreme tools of killing enemies almost instantly, binding does not only bind a specific person, but also points him out to the few having problems finding that current pile being called on TS.Binding is also very usefull for surviving, while dragging, you can bind a person and run back to the fight, also if you see a teammate whos about to die, you can bind one of the meleers attacking your mate. in general just binding enemy meleers works really well. If you're out of food. dont just let yourself die saying 'out'. try to drag and bind them off you before you die. ______________________________________________________________ [Overhead prayers ON/OFF] - what's the difference? ______________________________________________________________ In most F2p mini-wars, overhead prayers will be off, if thats the case, always use +15% stat boosting prayers. if overhead prayers is ON, its totally different. prayer is now a huge part of 'tanking', use +10% boosting prayers IF attacking, if tanking, switch it off to save prayer (unless you're too busy hugging/eating) also killing is just alot harder with overheads ON, meaning piling/binding is even more important.if overs are off, try to use your scimitar as much as possible, if overs is on your suppose to hybrid more. THE EXPLORERS RING - gives 50% extra energy pr charge (3 charges pr day) if you have this, it means you as a tank, can keep running around hugging/dragging, you wont end up walking around like a noob, and as a ranger, you can keep sniping/binding when the enemies starts walking. (take your ring off your ring slot when you need to use it) ______________________________________________________________ [some overall tactiques] - ______________________________________________________________ [WHAT TO DO WHEN BEING PILED]MOVING > EATING.Always move before you eat. the absolute WORST thing you can do, is in the center of the fight, start pizza comboing. this wont make you survive. it will result in even more people piling you, and you dying faster.When the actual run-in happens, no matter if we're defending or attacking, a 1st + a 2nd pile will be called out, this means that everybody has to right click whatever name is being called out, and attack that person so he dies instantly, aswell as being prepared to attack the 2nd target.if this is succesfull, we will get a good start outnumbering our enemies with 1-2 people. which means alot in a 10v10. [bE A UNIT - DONT GET DRAGGED]it is very important that you always stick together closely, this helps surviving and KOing. if the pile is dragging you, get on a new pile closer to the main group.If on teamspeak you are told to regroup at a spot. you do it ASAP, if the team is spread out, you wont kill & survive as easily[RANGING] when fighting unit vs unit (opposite to be piling 1 enemy straggler away from the enemy unit that got dragged by the guy they are piling) keep your distance, try to lure enemy meleers by sniping them, bind alot (because rangers binds faster than meleers), try to stay abit behind your own melee unit, but at the same time make sure you are constantly busy sniping/binding. its easier to hug rangers, so when if chasing, try to be a step ahead the enemy, and get alot of binds in. - Adding the final touch somewhere in the future :p , constructive critisism and ideas is greatly appreciated though! (FEEDBACK PLZ)
Zany Posted April 25, 2009 Author Posted April 25, 2009 -§- Gear & Inventory -§- To stay alive is the most important thing for each individual to focus about. (suprise) and there are several ways to 'stay alive', the most used being eating (healing)this means that Lobsters, is NOT good enough, swordfish is a minimum, but you should also bring several/many anchovy pizzas unless you are completely unaware of how to use them.(in that case it is your duty to learn how to use them)EVERYBODY with 1-19 def should be binding & ranging (Preferably)People with 20def can choose between Tanking (Range/melee/hybrid) or binding similar to someone with 10defence. ::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::______ EXAMPLES ______::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:: - the amount of anchovy pizzas is upto each individual. however i would recommend atleast 150+ addys and 80+nats as they are cheap anyway. (DONT BRING 25k CASH!) bring extra nats/addys instead. - 20def melee tank -I wouldnt encourage people to use staffs, but they can come in handy giving a good magic defence bonus and helping to focus tanking (personally i would prefer always being ready to attack back though)- 1def hybrid -Runecrafting robes exchanged with monk robes/wiz robes- 20def range/melee tank -always good to have a melee weapon as backup, definently NOT needed in a fight with overheads off though, (in fact 1 more food & less weight will do you best in most cases)- 10def hybrid -combat robes is also fine, preferrably repaired with FOG tokens.(thise robes costs less than 20k pr set in g.e) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Video guides ((coming up)) ! - Simple / quick-simple hugging --- Combo eating / eat tricking --- Examples of great performance at mini-wars!- vs MM, very good piling - - by walli-______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mini guide on how to be invited to f2p mini-wars! 1 - TS/IRC - for obvious reasons you have to be online to be invited, be able to listen & follow orders on teamspeak, etc. ts is what we use as spamming&piling tool, so without it, your chances of being invited is heavily reduced.2 - Binding, proper gear/invo -its kinda mandatory to bring plenty addys if ranging, plenty binds, explorers ring, the best gear, swordfish and pizzas etc. basicly coz, if you dont, someone else will, and then they will take your spot.if a leader invo checks you and see your lobs. expect to be sitting out no matter what.3 - Stats - do NOT expect to straight melee. only tankers with high str/atk/hp and good at following orders on ts will be allowed to straight melee, so basicly if your a 1 def meleer like me, dont expect to be invited much.however if you have OK range like 83+, and very high mage/str, good at binding/ts communicating, maybe vidding aswell. you might have a chance.but besides that. id say 90+range and ofc binding is a minimum. but since we have over 40 members with 99 range, the competetion of getting a spot is pretty high. 4 - Attitude - no whiners. we just cba with them, follow orders, be happy but also serious when the fight begins, any flaming/bad attitude towards other clans will not just result in not being invited for some time. same goes with braking rules, your way of acting towards other FOE members etc. your attitude in general.5 - performance -Ofcourse if you have been noticed by leaders at trips, in vids, in past clans, in the wild etc, and most of all if you have been in a mini before. then depending on your performance in those cases you have a bigger/smaller chance of being invited.if acting like a noob at a trip/in a vid etc, or even worse, at a mini. your chance of being invited will decrease. so think before you act stupid. (braking honour rules, looting during mini, attacking team-mates etc)6 - sitting out -don't be sad about sitting out, if you are willing to sit out to give other people the spot, coz either your stats are too low or whatever the reason may be, people will think nicely about you :) If you feel like anything is missing in this guide, or if you have some feedback please post it here or pm me on forums/irc! - ty in advance
Kanye Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Nice guide, very detailed and shows a lot of effort.
Zany Posted April 30, 2009 Author Posted April 30, 2009 ty everone, remember to say if you have ideas for things to add to the guide, if you wanna help making some video guides :)
Kanye Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 Maybe try adding something about not bringing 26K because mini's are not for good drops, but to beat the other clan. So I think 1 swordy/pizza > cash. That 1 could be a lifesaver I noticed you mentioned it briefly but you should explain why they shouldn't bring the 26K. All you said was (Don't bring 26k)
Zany Posted May 3, 2009 Author Posted May 3, 2009 I guess i could explain it, but yeah it should be kinda obvious :P (1 extra invo spot)
Zany Posted December 5, 2009 Author Posted December 5, 2009 Bump.. noticed a new very simplified guide..
Zany Posted December 20, 2009 Author Posted December 20, 2009 Very Nice Guide, P2P next. :p Mhm yeah we kinda have one already. but when i have time i plan on doing an upgraded version. with some tactiq debate etc.. need to get this christmas shit over with tho ;D
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