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this might be against the rules but idk.


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Alright well today i received an email from "Jagex Ltd" no email address no return address or anything, which made it seem legit.

Congratulations you have been chosen as a possible Runescape player moderator.

Here at Jagex we do an annual inquiry to find new moderators for the coming year, your account has made it to the next stage of our inquiry and we are pleased to invite you to register your interest in becoming a player moderator for the year of 2011. Once you have registered your interest we will add you to our waiting list, and if successful your account will become a player moderator on 7th January 2011.

To register your interest please visit www.runescape.com/moderator/applications.php?=435c7483

Please note that to complete the registration process you will need to enter your Referral ID.

Your Referral ID: 435c7483

Please keep this ID safe as it can only be used once.

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 Jagex Ltd. Jagex, RuneScape, FunOrb, War of Legends and Stellar Dawn are registered trademarks of Jagex Ltd in the United Kingdom and trademarks used in other countries of the world. By using our service you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy . Go here , to unsubscribe from emails.

Now i dont normally get caught out by phishers but this seemed incredibly legit. i'm a very safe person most the times and dont risk nothin for no one. but i was a second away from clicking, but then had the sudden urge to right click the link and click on properties, and what do you know it's an embedded hyperlink. i kinda guessed that a litte bit due to there being no 'www.' which jagex usually puts in their email.  the hyperlink sent me to a website with an address similar to runscaep_moderator.co.cc/ (some letters have been removed and/or replaced for your safety to all you idiots who are curious) so i didnt click it, i leaped onto a proxy and went for it and the identicalness to actual runescape was astounding, easily non-noticeable to even the smartest people who forget to look at their address box. My warning to you is there are a few phishers going around atm and even if they dont have your email personally they will find it somehow, just be the fuck safe and right click and properties any strange or unreal links.

TL;DR dont get caught out by phishers, always check the links address in properties before clicking it and if its an unknown address dont type in any passwords.


also, 700 posts  :))


Jagex would contact you through email, only through ingame inbox. This email is fake.


Jagex would contact you through email, only through ingame inbox. This email is fake.

this is basically what ive made the topic saying, but some people may have been dumb to think that because it came from "Jagex Ltd" which is their actual mailing name when they email about membership and stuff, just a warning thread to people who are unaware of these phishers

Spittles (Old School)

When you're to log into RuneScape off the homepage or forums there's always going to be the green bar next to the address bar like below here:


Don't be fooled B)


When you're to log into RuneScape off the homepage or forums there's always going to be the green bar next to the address bar like below here:

Don't be fooled B)

Good point, although on the swiftkit browser (which is what i use 100%) there is no green bar next to it. so that would work for things like IE, oprah (i think), and i believe firefox


I saw this WoW phish who looked 100% like a real one to.

They are getting better I must say.


So you posted the link anyway?


So you posted the link anyway?

so you obviously didn't read? i said i deformed the link by removing and changing some of the letters in the link plus removing the actually left click hyperlink.


Jagex say themselves they will only ever email you with confirmations on buying p2p, setting recoveries & stuff man, somethin' like this if it was legit would just be in your rs inbox.

Good job on giving everyone a heads up tho  ;)


Im safe jagex would never ask me 2 be a mod.


LOL I know exactly who sent you that... They also send them to peoples youtube channels.


to check if its a phisher type any letters in the username and password, if it lets you through its a phisher

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