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Permanant summoning levels?!? wtf


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Horse back to the fields


2010 is almost over and i hope you dont make it to 2011


2010 is almost over and i hope you dont make it to 2011

Awwww, that's nice of you to think of me, Im truly touched :)  :wub:


is it just me or is every reply to your thread from a kid with downs syndrome?


tthats fucking gay, i support yew


is it just me or is every reply to your thread from a kid with downs syndrome?

you have down syndrome? poor lad


If this is true, pures with summoning are fucked, and may as well start over, which would not be fair whatsofuckingever..


ppl need to bump it


If they made it permanent I would just stop training summoning and always pk in 1v1 with my bull ant pouch. Not that big a of a deal really, just +5 combat levels for extra food.

However I REALLY hope that doesn't happen, I like the idea. :)


Not one mod said something about this.. and in pvp worlds it also wasnt perm sum lvls .. so really useless topic


If they made it permanent I would just stop training summoning and always pk in 1v1 with my bull ant pouch. Not that big a of a deal really, just +5 combat levels for extra food.

However I REALLY hope that doesn't happen, I like the idea. :)

ADAM! omfg pleassse post "There shall be no permanent Summoning!"

So i can reply with something witty :)


Permanent summoning would be stupid, since most of the summoned familiars are useless in pvp until iron/steel titan.


im sorry, im not going to rs forums, 10x more trolls there then here


i dont think perm summoning will happen because this hasnt been made yet

eben though bh had it


Permanent summoning would be stupid, since most of the summoned familiars are useless in pvp until iron/steel titan.

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