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Good levels to f2p pk on?


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Getting this account pretty nice before the wild comes back. Currently 40 attack, 61 Strength, 51 HP, 38 Magic, and 1 Range.

Probably have 70 strength sometime tommorow. Any other suggestions?


This is the same problem Ive had pking f2p because I was 50 attack Good levels Ive seen were like 77 str at like 49 cb and 88 str for 55+ cb In members a good place to bot is druids for some cash but I would go to flesh crawlers If I was you Im botting up a boxing account atm f2p at flesh crawlers its 67 attack 70 str 60 def getting 80 attack 70 str 80 def 1 pray so just message me on some other stuff :)

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