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That wasn't a pk video it was a run and hide until you got a lucky hit video

yea pretty much

run and hide rofl??

hugging is performed so u spend less time eating from them dealing dmg, and more time hitting them.

ya for pures, for mains that just means your shit

how about you shut up kid...ocwatididther?

That wasn't a pk video it was a run and hide until you got a lucky hit video

Correct me if I'm wrong but PK stands for Player/Person Killing?Therefore all he has to do to have a PK is actually kill a player.

Back to the topic subject:

- Shit music;

- Shit quality;

- Most clips aren't worth using;

- Decent pking however, work on the above for your next.



Great brid, good hugging.

It's cool to see hugging that's not just on a pure


That wasn't a pk video it was a run and hide until you got a lucky hit video

yea pretty much

run and hide rofl??

hugging is performed so u spend less time eating from them dealing dmg, and more time hitting them.

ya for pures, for mains that just means your shit

its the same concept idiot


nice vid, i didn't liked the music =/


definitely stepping the game up bro, very nice as per usual :)

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