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pmod section post was just leaked


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So it's definitely coming back.

Success, gentlemen.

Better stock up on PK supplies now because they're gonna become impossible to obtain within the coming weeks tbh

yep and if its true about the mass ban of bots then its going to be very hard to get sharks etc

The higher healing foods are sad for low level pkers, enjoy MASS Safing throughout wildy.


Safers galore if this is true.

I am skeptical by the post as well, why would a Pmod leak it with his name logged in?

Doesn't make sense. Oh well more information to argue about lol.

If your account got rolledback then I'm sorry to say ... BANHAMMMMAAAAAAAAAAa.

Let's cross our fingers and let the ban hammer do its magic. If it falls on me ... then ... **@!#(@#*(*(!*@(!!!


All accounts of the same IP? Holy fucking shit goodbye rs.


nigga i'm getting bannnned : )


the name looks shooped, im skeptical and probably fucked if im banned lol


mass panic lolz idc lolz puted like 5 new accs botting money so when old trade comes :D and i won't get  banned on ma pure

edit: obv this shit is fake look at this there is no official release date if mod seven tells that,any other mod should know 2



If this is real, I'm fucked, mass ban? fuck I'm panicking already I bet my 132 and 135 are getting banned.

On the other side, wild coming back, old news lol.

Im screwed if that Mass Ban is true, I better not get banned on my main ffs!

Edit: Also is the text different from the rest of the forum? And other clues make it seem to be photo shopped.


You guys are idiots. Since when can normal members reply to a Private Moderator forum?


ay ay sefket good point.

teach me how to merch :D


yay mass ban bye bye botters


I tend to laugh at those who believe any 'leaks'/obvious photoshops.


wish they would take out the new items and shit too...


You guys are idiots. Since when can normal members reply to a Private Moderator forum?

maybe because their player mods? and seem like normal players on the forums...forum mods are in green and jagex mods in gold.


I think that if this is true, and they raise the healing power of foods, pking might become a little bit different for us pures.

Excited, I think there going to bring it back.

You guys are idiots. Since when can normal members reply to a Private Moderator forum?

maybe because their player mods? and seem like normal players on the forums...forum mods are in green and jagex mods in gold.

Right on the dot.


Jesus read my last response on page 3.


Quickfind code doesn't take u anywhere.


Quickfind code doesn't take u anywhere.

cause its in the mod forums perhaps?


You guys are idiots. Since when can normal members reply to a Private Moderator forum?

maybe because their player mods? and seem like normal players on the forums...forum mods are in green and jagex mods in gold.

Either way, post was faked. Mod Mark did post there with the QFC but the post was photoshopped.

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