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In your opinion... what to do??

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well, i recently made a low level hybrid.

hes currently

50 att

62 str

1 def

74 range

13 pray

74 mage

60 hp

53 cb.

Mith gloves, dt complete, mind body, climbing boots, quested att ( addy gloves possible)

I cannot decide if I should get 60 att 13 prayer, or 60 att 45 pray, or stay the way i am now.

Your opinion/reason why to get 60, or to stay 50 att would be much appreciated.


Get adamant gloves.

Stay 50 att.

Stay 13 prayer.



45 Prayer until new wild to really fuck shet up


60 att 45 pray? or 50 att 45 pray


m8. honestly i recommend making 2 accounts. for example ive got a pure with 60 attack 45 prayer and another with 50 attack and low prayer so i dont have any worries ^.^ you should do the same. honestly a lil bit of both is the best way to go


but i'm so damn lazy haha, i dont wanna quest addys again :S and dt.. i had a maxed 60 att, but made him zerker.

Creamie pies

60 attack 90 str 90 range 94 mage 44 prayer


60 attack 90 str 90 range 94 mage 44 prayer 45 prayer

that if you know how to hybrid, 50 att 13 prayer if you don't


I know how to hybrid, i just like the low lvl pking, less kids with def.


60 att 45 pray 1 def 99 hp str mage and range :)


this topic has been done to death


no shit lip, but i'm just asking for some advice

help, or don't. other people are putting in their input and i realli appreciate them doing so


id stay 50 attack to be honest with 13 pray. i regret getting 60 attack just cause 50 was so much funner


When I looked at your topic my antivirus thing told me that it just stopped a troijan virus.. suspicious.


Far too many topics like this, but if it helps at all my new pure is gonna be 50 att 13 pray


45 pray cz most ppl overhead brid nyway.


50atk 13pray if you're just gona camp edge 1v1 and maul kids out.

60atk 45pray is where the big boys pk and hybrid.

60 Attack 45 Prayer IMO, i used to be 50 13 and got bored - it's too easy just maul speccing.



Hmm. Ok thanks alot guys. My goal is chaotic c bow and chaotic staff but... Gl me haha.


When the new wild comes back you'll wana get 52 not 45 if you want the chance of getting any decent loot otherwise stay low combat. So many 07+ pkers will have no clue what I'm talking about but in the old days 52 prayer was where it was at, smiting out whips etc, but even then 52 prayer now is an advantage to smite people who are using overheads so yeah my opinion is 52 or 13.


60 attack 90 str 90 range99 range 94 mage 44 prayer 45 prayer

that if you know how to hybrid, 50 att 13 prayer if you don't

Also this, you can be 99 range at 60 attack 90 str, and the same combatĀ  B)


Do whatever you have more fun with pking wise. You can always train up so try everything along the way. 60/45 is best for hybridding though, really.


And i agree 60 attack is great for hybridding, the dd's have 4 specs and have ko ability

while my gmaul, although effective is kind of obsolete after i spec.

I guess I can always upgrade after i'm sick of 50.

Just looking for some peoples perspective.

52 pray is deffinately an option as you said about smiting loot.


Please remember, if you're not clear on anything, GOOGLE YOU IDIOT.*

*Or YouTube

Some shit not to ask:

"What should I do with this account?"

Well, you are on a pure clan forum so answer these questions

A. Are you 1-20 defence on it?

B. Have you ever licked a window?

If you answered yes to question A, then make it a pure you idiot.

If you answered no, then think about what account YOU would enjoy playing on, decide if you have the attention span or the time to make such a build, then peruse it.

If you answered yes to question B..I don't know.


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