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United States(thanks Note..)

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You guys are mad cuz Americans think they're better than you? That's because we are. Why do you think everyone's trying to get IN our country. They don't call England the land of opportunity.




The only reason 4nrs are posting on this topic is cuz they jelly. Face it.

Stupid topic is stupid.


It even says on the american english one

'American English is a set of dialects of the English language'

A dialect is not a language, it means words that are only used in a certain area, people say 'blud' 'fam' and shit in London, it doesn't mean 'Londonish' is a language.

You thick cunt.

Also - you know absolutely nothing about England, don't talk out your ass, we have a ridiculous amount of islamic immigrants.

this exactly reflects the ignorant nature of americans that American.


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You guys are mad cuz Americans think they're better than you? That's because we are. Why do you think everyone's trying to get IN our country. They don't call England the land of opportunity.




The only reason 4nrs are posting on this topic is cuz they jelly. Face it.

Stupid topic is stupid.


It even says on the american english one

'American English is a set of dialects of the English language'

A dialect is not a language, it means words that are only used in a certain area, people say 'blud' 'fam' and shit in London, it doesn't mean 'Londonish' is a language.

You thick cunt.

Also - you know absolutely nothing about England, don't talk out your ass, we have a ridiculous amount of islamic immigrants.

this exactly reflects the ignorant nature of americans

clearly you missed the "inb4"

so ignorant my child what will we do with you


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.


l0l yeah, any country could destroy any country at the push of a button, the thing is though, it's never going to happen because that'll lead to other countries nuking in retaliation, leading to other countries nuking in retaliation.. leading to.. well you know what!!!!11

Lets do it  :shifty: Always wanted to play fallout 3 irl  B)

except the game shows the lightest possible consequences that a nuclear war would cause lol, you'd survive a month maximum with all of the gamma particles on the surface. you'd have to live in vault 112 for a few generations before you'd experience _ANYTHING_ closely related to fallout l0l, the halve time for the utopes of nuclear explosives range from seconds to thousands of years so its gambling, you wont be getting clean food or water forever though

Depending on where you live, you could easily survive years. Only about 20% of all nuclear warheads are ready for launching and you haven't take into account failure rates, nuclear sites getting taken out leaving you with only a few warheads here and there. There's no possible way the Earth can be destroyed, the only thing that could pose a problem would be the immediate blast range, followed by a nuclear fallout or a nuclear winter which lasts for about 3 years.

Put this into perspective, the warheads between Russia and the US is around 26,000, and there's another thousand between the other countries. If all those warheads blew off that would only generate about 25% of the energy of the Earthquake that caused the 2004 tsunami. All I have to worry about is staying inside and eating my canned foods and getting water from my well.

yow nigga, ever heard bout radioactivity in da ghetto?


this is coming from someone who's in the uk.

the usa looks like a nice place to me, sure they have fat people but so does the uk, i dont understand why people in the uk flame yanks for being fat when they're really not that far behind.

and calling all americans stupid and stuff is retarded too, 1 in 5 brits dont know how to read or write.

imo i would love to get out of this shit hole and go to the usa but i cant.


this is coming from someone who's in the uk.

the usa looks like a nice place to me, sure they have fat people but so does the uk, i dont understand why people in the uk flame yanks for being fat when they're really not that far behind.

and calling all americans stupid and stuff is retarded too, 1 in 5 brits dont know how to read or write.

imo i would love to get out of this shit hole and go to the usa but i cant.

Shit just got real.


I don't flame countries, i'm not an ignorant moron, stereotypes are ridiculous, I do on the other hand feel the need to flame the single people who are fucking retardedly ignorant.


this is coming from someone who's in the uk.

the usa looks like a nice place to me, sure they have fat people but so does the uk, i dont understand why people in the uk flame yanks for being fat when they're really not that far behind.

and calling all americans stupid and stuff is retarded too, 1 in 5 brits dont know how to read or write.

imo i would love to get out of this shit hole and go to the usa but i cant.

1 in 5 people are immigrants. Coincidence? i think not.


look at americas health system lmfao ..... so retarded, or at least what it was before obama. they would let someone die because they dont have an insurance..


look at americas health system lmfao ..... so retarded, or at least what it was before obama. they would let someone die because they dont have an insurance..

and they will again once he leaves


American English is far different from British English.

They learn our language not yours.


Just let him keep going he's pretty much stereotyping the entire thread lol.



Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.






Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.

csb about your healthcare. you have no army bro.


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.

csb about your healthcare. you have no army bro.

My army is bigger than your army. My countries debt is 14 trillion dollars more than your countries.


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.

csb about your healthcare. you have no army bro.

My army is bigger than your army. My countries debt is 14 trillion dollars more than your countries.

Debt-ceiling bill signed yesterday. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-08-02-debt-law-signed-obama-gop-talk-jobs_n.htm

Come at me bro.


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.

csb about your healthcare. you have no army bro.

My army is bigger than your army. My countries debt is 14 trillion dollars more than your countries.

Debt-ceiling bill signed yesterday. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-08-02-debt-law-signed-obama-gop-talk-jobs_n.htm

Come at me bro.

gj delaying the problem


Env you're like 15 years old, so don't be calling people children when you're still one yourself.

Sniping you're Canadian, don't tell me what to do.

Normally I would take this lightly, but considering the topic this is on, is this some sort of American superiority statement? Not sure why you feel the need to place Canada so far below you when really we are very close if not past you in many things. In our country, anyone can come to the hospital and get treatment. No one is turned down.

csb about your healthcare. you have no army bro.

My army is bigger than your army. My countries debt is 14 trillion dollars more than your countries.

Debt-ceiling bill signed yesterday. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-08-02-debt-law-signed-obama-gop-talk-jobs_n.htm

Come at me bro.

gj delaying the problem



Solving...that's a good one.


Just like invading Afghanistan was solving a problem.


Just like invading Afghanistan was solving a problem.

Most of us didn't want it.

And it destroyed our country


ignorrant, loads of lazy fatties,


ignorrant, loads of lazy fatties,

Ur a cocky bastard  :D

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