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Going for 99 range

Lumby 4ya

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Hey doods, i was fishing in f2p lobs and i thought, damn it would be cool to wear that range cape. So umm i thought why don't i just go for it? So i brought my inner nerd out of me and got p2p lmao, 21 june is the first day and i got 380k exp today. Calculated it and i will have 99 range in 2 weeks if i keep going :) So wish me luck, i hope i dont puss out.

I'll post pics and progress later.

Edit: Reached 95 range 22th June.

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Edit:Reached 96 range 23th June. Also reached 87 hp.

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Edit:Reached 97 range 26th June.

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Edit:Reached 98 range 1th July. Also reached 89 hp.

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Edit: GOAL ACHIEVED  :nice:

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nice lol, gl i know you can make it, where are you going to be training? Ogers? im training range soon aswell.


nice lol, gl i know you can make it, where are you going to be training? Ogers? im training range soon aswell.

Im doing a mix of aviansies and chinning :)

I do 2 trips of aviansies a day, then chin for the money i get, the 2 trips get me like 190k exp, and then like 2k chins get me 200k exp, so 380-390k exp a day :)

Today i got 483k exp, no lifed it lol.


nice lol, gl i know you can make it, where are you going to be training? Ogers? im training range soon aswell.

Im doing a mix of aviansies and chinning :)

I do 2 trips of aviansies a day, then chin for the money i get, the 2 trips get me like 190k exp, and then like 2k chins get me 200k exp, so 380-390k exp a day :)

Today i got 483k exp, no lifed it lol.

Lol very cool, continue to no life it and you will have this in no time, avancies are very profitable - nice startegy.


lol nice, keep it going.


nice strategy, current lvl? good luck.


Goodluck mate.


Im going for 90 range right now, and whatever money I make im putting towards mage so i can apply for FOE.


Im going for 90 range right now, and whatever money I make im putting towards mage so i can apply for FOE.

Gl ;)


Im going for 90 range right now, and whatever money I make im putting towards mage so i can apply for FOE.

lmao im doing the same =] gl :D

grats bro keep it up.

Richy ranger

Goood luck at aviansies :D You'll need it :D

Did them from 88-94/95 range :D

Biiiig profit :D


Grats and goodluck, some nice profit will be there :P

  • 2 weeks later...

1 more level left! OMG :D I almost did it soo proud lol, ima post the party later.


Wow nice, I'll try to make it to the party :s

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