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10ie5oi.jpg     One of my oldest accounts.


This is one of my first pure accounts ever:200ebv9.jpg

And yes ofc, I started voting on these accounts too, as soon as I had them back :lmao:

Trying to recover my oldest main ever ATM, I am wondering what the last logg in day was on that account.:)

Yes, the pure is 9 def, got hacked like 5 years ago lol.

Don't try to hack the IP, cuz it has changed. :sleep:



Gj on getting them back :)


Gj on getting them back :)

Thanks man:) I did not expect to get them back after such a long time :wow:

I used to be 45 defence on the one that is 58 def now, idk what happened though:p


gl dude


gl dude

Haha thanks, they are all pretty much shit accounts, but I wanna see what's left on them etc. ;o

Since I have no other pure accounts left, I will make a black Pure from ''C4ll M3 Wh1p'' since it's 9 def already, I'll get blk def / comb robes / slay helm / etc.  ^_^

Playing on my Zerk though :sleep:


lol my first pure was pure2arch2 nice 1st pic name :P


nice ip

Do you honestly think I would screenshot my own IP?... I have a different IP now :wow:.

nice ip

Do you honestly think I would screenshot my own IP?... I have a different IP now :wow:.

denial ...

still nice ip brah.


U dont reply to every comment btw

And nice one getting them back i thought jagex deleted all the 3 year+ accounts or maybe 5+ that hadnt been logged on

Next In Line

U dont reply to every comment btw

And nice one getting them back i thought jagex deleted all the 3 year+ accounts or maybe 5+ that hadnt been logged on

And lose the chance that they might get $6 from one of the accounts? Never!


So are the accounts originally Naomi's or Anthony's? :wub:


they both suck...

I know okay? But those accounts were one of my first accounts ever, so it is pretty much fun too see them back after a long while, also I used to be a zerk on the first account, and the second one was like 9 def forever.

So are the accounts originally Naomi's or Anthony's? :wub:

Yes, Naomi created the account a few years ago, but she met Anthony and liked riding on his dick more than playing RS, so she gave the account to me ^_^

I think u can better hide u ip and btw nice pure!


I think u can better hide u ip and btw nice pure!

That is my old IP haha, thanks  ;) didn't expect to hear that because back then the account was good but now everyone bots up their acc so it's not worth anything at all anymore :(

Yeah i know allot of botters these days


pfft, first pure ever?

My first pure was before slayer was even out


pfft, first pure ever?

My first pure was before slayer was even out

Learn to read, I said it was ONE of my first pures ever.

My first pure was: R0b1n Bl00dy. Created in 2003-2004 or something. ;)

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