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Full Foe Reqs


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Win! Just got 85 Strength and now have full requirements to join F.O.E

I also need a few referrals. I have seen a few members posting on my other threads, It would be awesome if i could get your support when i apply. You guys know how hard I train.


Sam|L A S T Dayz

gj. gl on the app :)


Thanks all of you, And will PM you in game Dravid.


Win! Just got 85 Strength and now have full requirements to join F.O.E

I also need a few referrals. I have seen a few members posting on my other threads, It would be awesome if i could get your support when i apply. You guys know how hard I train.


NeXuS/iBot will ref That!!


Wtf this kid on? ^^ Rofl.

65 theiving 68 farming i think he's on about your sorc garden bot,also he's most likely not a kid.


Decent app - I'll ref - wanna see 60 atk soon tho


gl if u really want revs attend some events and ask some members ther for it :O


Wtf this kid on? ^^ Rofl.

65 theiving 68 farming i think he's on about your sorc garden bot,also he's most likely not a kid.

I got 65 thieve legit for quests and enjoyed it. 68 farming i got to make cash by planting various herb seeds.

You think its hard to get those level? Get real.

Thanks mortuls and thanks Life to Dds for advice.


Wtf this kid on? ^^ Rofl.

65 theiving 68 farming i think he's on about your sorc garden bot,also he's most likely not a kid.

I got 65 thieve legit for quests and enjoyed it. 68 farming i got to make cash by planting various herb seeds.

You think its hard to get those level? Get real.

Thanks mortuls and thanks Life to Dds for advice.

You're in denial.


Stop replying to every comment, stop updating us with useless info, stop using bots


Stop replying to every comment, stop updating us with useless info, stop using bots

My hero.


Thanking somebody does no harm. If you don't like my topic or me personally why read what i post?

Think i bot? Good on you.


Who gives a shit if he botted?


Decent app - I'll ref - wanna see 60 atk soon tho

maybe he doesnt want to get 60? tbh im staying 50 and wouldnt dare change it soo. Grats mate stats look similar to mine :)

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