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Well, since I'm am being lazy with GFX and I don't want to make something from scratch.

Basically I want a Shield for my Halo 3 Team.

Here is some examples or some ideas maybe, just a different kind of sheild type or w\e. :@

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So what ever you want.

The letters are pFs

Stats for Pray For Silence

If you want to make it some sort of a theme.

I dunno, If you make something really good, I might pay you.

So do it. :@

and make it fucking pro

Thanks :)

-Asa and Chris :)

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ill make u something fucking pro, and u might pay me =D

wow so it was guna b srsly epic, then boom, PS fail.

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File -> Save

Do it... It cures cancer

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Better blow my fucking mind.

But try to keep it 2D. None of the pros Sheilds are 3D mdf. :@@@

How ya like mine  ;o
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Working on a new one, dno if it's what ur looking 4 but it's fucking sexy imo.

Will upload a WIP some time soon.

edit: Posted Image

the gold trim looks nice in blue too, I was trying to think of something to have behind it, dunno what though.

Dunno if it's what your looking for though...

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Omg, Asa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need photoshop again, ffs.  I made a shield like this for Fatality but left before I finished it, coulda given you it. :d

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