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GFX HELP ME.......resurrection

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

Right well ive been working on this for a college project

But now i got this bit done, i need something for the background/sides or w.e

Also need to think of a tag line.... dont post any bull shit!


And this is my other one


Well gfx been quiet lately so thought id start up new project until TJ can get me final clips i need to make his video

Well i saw someone make a sig and was going to post stencil bodies to show him how to do his bodies.

Now normally im at home and have full control of my mouse so i can make smooth brush work, although atm im at a friends house due to unforeseen circumstances

In which case i thought id make a new project as i found 2 stencil characters i could use (im using laptop mouse so its gay)

Here are links to stencils



Need to move the hat down the head on the guy....  :wow:


Now can do many things from here. At 1st thought id do a Malik>TJ> Jess thing for jokes but then thought and realized i dont really no Jess or Malik at all so skip that

Could just do MM vs Foe thing

Could turn it into a banner for that dung CC i duno

possibilities are endless so any ideas? Must be fun idea, allow doing something gay because sod that standard


w8 did u draw that? it's fucking pro lol. If you did can i use em to try out some pixel sigs?

I kinda wanna open another pixel shop n get more activity round here, but it's too much effort n will get flooded with requests, and won't actually bring activity to this board. :\

Gareth l Rare

Na normally i draw all my toons but this time i pen tool'd a stencil i found from google

Although i will be doing some drawings later depending on if i can pick up some "food" or not.

Ill uploads them.

HEHE i do love how you always ask permission :) but they google images bro

(although i can draw like that when im high)


Do you have the original then?

Gareth l Rare

Link are above although i couldnt find it again on google

so just uploaded the save, if i can find it again ill link you it kk :)


Demon Chris on the left

Gareth l Rare


Conn help lol

Gareth l Rare


You have an eye for the small details that i always miss :shifty:


When I looked at those I saw a Hero scene. Like a fantasy rpg storyline lol. Devilish looking guy has a princess imprisoned, all you need to add is a Hero ready to save the day. Not sure if this is the sort of idea you are looking for, so sorry if I'm on a totally different page. I like the drawings though, the devil body is well proportioned and the girls body just needs a little polish. Can't wait to see it.

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