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G&A - Elven Dremor

Elven Dremor

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Elven Dremor

May I ask why you where kicked and when.

The answer to the first question is in my comment.

Due to inactivity. Also I can't remember when.

Over 15 months tho.

Edit: Also added; 101 Dungeoneering, Staff of Light loot, and Fire Cape Task.

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Die Is Cash

nice job man gl


I don't even want to know how rich you are.

Elven Dremor

I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:

Shut Up Kid

whats after slayer


I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:


So if u consider 1.4b poor, then how de fuck do you consider my 100M ? ;(


Those are amazing stats, gl with slayer bro :P

Elven Dremor

I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:


So if u consider 1.4b poor, then how de fuck do you consider my 100M ? ;(

I was comparing myself to stakers, if you don't stake. 100M is quite decent.

Those are amazing stats, gl with slayer bro :P


315K till 96.


I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:


So if u consider 1.4b poor, then how de fuck do you consider my 100M ? ;(

I was comparing myself to stakers, if you don't stake. 100M is quite decent.

1.4b is hella nice even if you don't stake.

Its actually funny how I got 100M.

I luckily pked claws, not even smited, just a dumbass in w124, I then staked my whole bank (which was 40M) and I won (I NEVER stake, NEVER, I am the biggest stake noob ever). Then I just pked a bit, but I'm losing alot lately lol, at about 90M bank atm.

genesis ownz

well slayer might raise your bank up a little bit, hope it goes well for you.

Elven Dremor

I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:


So if u consider 1.4b poor, then how de fuck do you consider my 100M ? ;(

I was comparing myself to stakers, if you don't stake. 100M is quite decent.

1.4b is hella nice even if you don't stake.

Its actually funny how I got 100M.

I luckily pked claws, not even smited, just a dumbass in w124, I then staked my whole bank (which was 40M) and I won (I NEVER stake, NEVER, I am the biggest stake noob ever). Then I just pked a bit, but I'm losing alot lately lol, at about 90M bank atm.

Ooo, very lucky indeed.

Doesn't matter if you're losing money, as long as it's fun doing so.

  • 2 weeks later...
Elven Dremor

Alright! ... Late update, but big one.

Added; 96 Slayer, 3 Granite Maul Loots, 2 Staff of Lights, 2 Fire Cape Tasks.

And updated my EXP goal to my current EXP.

280K till 97 Slayer, hopefully not much longer.

I'll try to update this thread once a day from now on.


Good luck Elven. You bossssss!

Elven Dremor

Good luck Elven. You bossssss!

Thanks :D


I don't even want to know how rich you are.

You'd be surprised how poor I actually am.

Considering I don't stake, merchant, or even PK anymore, I don't gain money.

Sitting about 1.4B atm. :sadface:


So if u consider 1.4b poor, then how de fuck do you consider my 100M ? ;(

I was comparing myself to stakers, if you don't stake. 100M is quite decent.

1.4b is hella nice even if you don't stake.

Its actually funny how I got 100M.

I luckily pked claws, not even smited, just a dumbass in w124, I then staked my whole bank (which was 40M) and I won (I NEVER stake, NEVER, I am the biggest stake noob ever). Then I just pked a bit, but I'm losing alot lately lol, at about 90M bank atm.

Ooo, very lucky indeed.

Doesn't matter if you're losing money, as long as it's fun doing so.

Haha i get the same reaction nowadays when I say i'm poor. I consider maxed cashpile to be "averagely rich" and that rich is now 10b+

Simply due to the amount of stakers and the free trade enabling pures to transfer cash from their mains to their pures.

Reasons for 1-2 not being rich anymore are as follows in my opinion:-

1. Buyables cost ~1-1.5b to complete doing decent methods.

2. Rares now cost in excess of 1b each ( yellow and above )

To people who only pk on their pures, 100m is plenty, ik this as on my pure right now I have and ags + 50m in return sets and I'm am happy with that. However on my new pure where I want to regain all my phats and skills, 100m isn't a large amount at all :/

Elven Dremor

Haha i get the same reaction nowadays when I say i'm poor. I consider maxed cashpile to be "averagely rich" and that rich is now 10b+

Simply due to the amount of stakers and the free trade enabling pures to transfer cash from their mains to their pures.

Reasons for 1-2 not being rich anymore are as follows in my opinion:-

1. Buyables cost ~1-1.5b to complete doing decent methods.

2. Rares now cost in excess of 1b each ( yellow and above )

To people who only pk on their pures, 100m is plenty, ik this as on my pure right now I have and ags + 50m in return sets and I'm am happy with that. However on my new pure where I want to regain all my phats and skills, 100m isn't a large amount at all :/

I disagree with 10B being rich if you stake your cash.

50B would be considered rich.

If you actually work your cash, and PK, Skill, PvM ... and what ever you do for your cash besides staking, I would consider maxed cash rich.

But that's just my opinion, and my views on the subject.

For some reason, I don't like stakers at all, and compare them to botters, for the fact they don't work for their cash.

But, what ever gets you the cash at the end of the day works.


Grats on 96 slayer, and goodluck with your goalsss

Elven Dremor

Added Dragon Chainbody loot ;)

Elven Dremor

Added 97 Slayer.


gratz on 97. are you currently just powering slayer? how long do you think til 99?

Elven Dremor

gratz on 97. are you currently just powering slayer? how long do you think til 99?

Thank you, I don't turmoil tasks, no.

I do cannon, with extremes though.

I only cancel that's that I personally don't want to do.

Not everyone that you cannot cannon.

It'll still take a 1-2 weeks+ imo.


haha yh i don't like stakers either, I worked hard merching for my cash and took me many months to work my way to riches, then somebody can achieve what I did in one day without any skill...yeah...

Elven Dremor

haha yh i don't like stakers either, I worked hard merching for my cash and took me many months to work my way to riches, then somebody can achieve what I did in one day without any skill...yeah...

Yeah, 'tis a punch in the face, that's for sure.

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