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what should this account be


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edited: alright so im thinking im going to get the following stats.

  • 60 attack
  • 90+ strength
  • 1 defence
  • 90+ range
  • 52 prayer
  • 82 or 94 mage

since my friend got my attack up and i cant be a gmauler, ive decided to get 60attack, addy gaunts (already have mith), and an anchor to embarrass kids  :nice: sound good? let me know.


i left my account in the lobby, while i went to get some groceries and my asshole friend decided to spent my soul wars points on attack exp for me. i was going to make ti a range gmauler but thats kinda out of the picture unless i get it 55attack and be done, or get 60 for anchor and dclaws. I am very determined to keep this account and not start a new one because i dont want to do all the quest again, and because i had about 200 climbing boots before the update  :lmao: so id like to have all this cash. But it doesnt really matter since free trade is coming back. let me know what you think. kthnxbai


60 atk 45 pray


60 atk 45 pray

good idea, but for 1 more combat level should I just get 52prayer? if i maxed id be 83 with and 82 with out.


if u want..

just make sure u get out of edge and hybrid..


if u want..

just make sure u get out of edge and hybrid..

what other way is there to pk?  :D

60 atk and  52 pray for the smite loots and you'll be fine


60 Attack & 45 Prayer or start over, because having 34 Prayer & 50+ Attack at low combat is not good..


45 Pray, 60 attack maxed.


Wrong board but 60 attack and 80+ str and range and 82 mage


start over, 1 pray >

1 pray is shit except for edge prodding, which is shit so basically its shit

get 60 att 45 pray, rape some idiots bridding


im not sure if i'll should get 52 prayer eaither but i advise you to w8 and see thats what im going to do!


60 atk 45 pray


Just think of it this way, atleast they didnt get you 2 defense.

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