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My goals


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Here are some of my goals on RS..

1. Become RICH as hell..

2. Try to get into FOE

3. Become a awsome 20-25 def hybrid

4. Be a pure and k0 Taco limey, sparc mac, mog time or p o t t i s

5. Get maxed (99 str, range and mage, with 60+ attk and 52 prayer)

6. Get all pure quests done (all the quests i can do when im 20 def pure)

7. Watch Makers of Gaymen die on a foe trip.... (mm XD)


If you go over 20 def you will not get into foe. And I doubt pures can Ko maxed mains.

And you should do pure quests BEFORE getting maxed.


hmm... first i tought about 'how the fk can i k0 maxed mains....' then i saw some vids and it seems out, alot of pures have k0d maxed mains..


erm....? u dont know what...??


"k0 Taco limey, sparc mac, mog time or p o t t i s"

who the fuck are they?

and makers of gaymen(mog) = mm

nice to meet u


Some stupid goals sir, but gl.


Some stupid goals sir, but gl.

l00l ..... thank you...


reply to my comment and stop +1ing


"k0 Taco limey, sparc mac, mog time or p o t t i s"

who the fuck are they?

and makers of gaymen(mog) = mm

nice to meet u

lol...? nice to meet you to:)


If you go over 20 def you will not get into foe. And I doubt pures can Ko maxed mains.

And you should do pure quests BEFORE getting maxed.

Actually, the requirements are between 1-29 Defense.

Read the requirements. He said "I want to be maxed as in 99 str, 99 range, 99 mage, 60 attack. Stats must make up for the 25-29 defense though.. As quoted from the requirements topic..

*If you have 25-29 defence your stats must make up for it, We do not accept 30 Defence or above

From Mike (0BR) on the requirements topic.

EDIT: Add pictures, because people will be liakWERPix@UB0TR

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