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Pure Ecstazy Progress

Strz Of Zeus

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I accsidentaly got def on my other account, so i hmm quitt it OFC!

So I made my old skiller to a pure, and here are the stats atm:)

I havent been getting up bank value yet, but will be working on that l8er.

got my Book of balance:)

Il post achivements as soon as possible.



Auto,to the soulwars,to the pro.


This is not gonna be 2010 product so stfu:)


This is not gonna be 2010 product so stfu:)

Like anyone is gonna see the differnce between a botted acc or a not botted acc?

ur better of botting  :shifty:


Never cheat, never lie, final ownage till I die!

100% legit pure<3 The best!

I am not a geek, so of you think Ill bot, just check the progress next time;)


get 50 attack and 31 pray and blitz-maul rush low levels.


Never cheat, never lie, final ownage till I die!

100% legit pure<3 The best!

I am not a geek, so of you think Ill bot, just check the progress next time;)

& botting makes you a geek how? Id much rather go outside, watch tv, hang out with friends, eat, then play legitly.  :ph43r:


Lmfao your not a geek if you don't play legit....


If im not a geek you will see if im not botting if I dont do 10000 lvls in progress.

Im legit, that was my point:)

and yeah, I play when I got nothing to do, so yeah I dosen`t play many hours, but its winter so not much to do so Ill try to train it up pretty fast for the old wildy<3

Anyways, its a progess topic, not a botting topic;)


Good luck with that, then.


& botting makes you a geek how? Id much rather go outside, watch tv, hang out with friends, eat, then play legitly.  :ph43r:


GL on your stats, was in your position couple days ago too.


Yeah, so here is a little update on what I`ve achived.

I trained some strength,range and mage.

Gotten from 80-85 cooking xD Yes, im gonna get the noob cape...


My goal for now is:

85/90 cooking

50/60 range

50/60 strength

51/60 mage¨

I`ll post a new update next sunday =)


I don't understand, why would you lame such a great pure as Pure Extazy..


Yeah so here is the new progress ive made this weak:)

pro powertraining since the hati gloves was realased:D

from 50-70range


luls:P not much but alill:D


  • 2 weeks later...

So Yeah, been alill bizzy training, so i forgot to upload a progess on sunday^^

Ive gained 70 mage, 13pray and 66str:)

Done some quests, and will be doing DT next weak:P

bank is poor.. after alching and pking the last 3days of pvp:P

Il be going for 70str,75 range, 75 mage:)

And I have some good friends :D:D so il get some cash up i think :victory:


1 Day untill the day we will never forget, and the day JAGEX never will regret:D

im gonna down some OLD SCHOOL MERCHANTING<3

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