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TB USB hardrive


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I'm going to buy a tb HD to back up my entire OS, as well as hold programs and my music library/images.

Need one that works on a mac, but i assume most can just be reformatted to do so.

I live in Aus. Anyone have suggestions as to decent models/brands.

Looking to spend under 150 dollars. I've seen some at like 70, but i assume they're probably cheap and nasty.

currently looking at this one:


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Gareth l Rare

Why do you use red text..? I dont get it.

Just dont... its so much easier to just disregard it

I got a 526mb i think? Been meaning to get a 1tb for long time and since this one needs to be reset im kinda fucked

need to find somewere to put all my stuff on while i reset it =S

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Why do you use red text..? I dont get it.

Why do you comment after EVERY SINGLE post he makes about the fact that he posts in red text..? I dont get it.

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Why do you use red text..? I dont get it.

Why do you comment after EVERY SINGLE post he makes about the fact that he posts in red text..? I dont get it.


*diregards topic*

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