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95-97 mage + some loots


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Gratz man, an odd way of training mage though :S


interesting way to train mage, nice job :P


90 xp per cast, even if you fail. extra xp based on what you hit. found this way faster than alching, but expensive. also need some hp xp  :p


Interesting lol, going for 99 doing that?


nice man, is it always a loss?


Nice ;) gl with 99 magic.


Y'all guys are stupid for saying weir way of training mage.

Are you using Fire Surge? It's like 100k xp per hour right?


Congrats man :)

Old school mage leveling :D

Have fun with Miasamic.


How much exp for like 1K casts, and how much that costs? (average)

Thinking it might be good for 86-94..


i considered training this way too, costs more but your basically getting hp xp + random loot in return. i chose alching over this cus alching is more afkable :P

keep it up!


Interesting lol, going for 99 doing that?

Not atm. Only wanted 97.

nice man, is it always a loss?


Y'all guys are stupid for saying weir way of training mage.

Are you using Fire Surge? It's like 100k xp per hour right?

Yeah, I was. It's around 95k-100k xp per hour.

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