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Support the Defence Xp Pure Suggestion

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doesnt work o.o


Failure link is a failure

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crap, sorry link doesnt work. how do i find the quicklink thing so u guys can c it

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EDIT: fixed it


Bad Idea. I don't want everyone to keep 1 defence. I want other people to fail so I can be more unique.


Tbf its a great idea.

but it wont happen

not a chnace.,


makes life too easy, i say we dont change much at all about how xp is gained


I dont think they would do it tho


Meh pures can get rune gloves now and with torso's pretty obsolete I'd say it's about as good as it gets. There's sara sword for a non attack/def weapon and plenty of other Godswords which are crazy overpowered if you have the stats.


I like it the way it is now :x


Fucking retarded idea, its your own damn fault if you fail and get defence.


Fucking retarded idea, its your own damn fault if you fail and get defence.



Lol. Kinda of like Fatigue, from RSC? I personally had a Plated Pure, (40 Defense, Rune Plate. Mostly used for staking.) and I would switch from Defensive->Accurate, as that's how u would stake. (Defensive before they hit u, accurate before u hit them.) It helped alot. I don't think it helps on RS2 as much, as the Combat system is revamped.

It COULD work. No HP Blocking, and no "quest" xp blocking, along with numerous other things.

But, I like it how it is. It could be done, but jagex won't.

QQ kid.



Keep it like this, It would crap IMO.

  • 2 weeks later...

ye true what chad said

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