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S A O S I N Pk Video 4|hybriding|40m Loot


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great vid man, always look forward to them


Nice PJ 9minutes and 30 seconds into the vid ....  amazing up until that


I say you should have omitted a few clips, but it was nice on a whole.


Nice PJ 9minutes and 30 seconds into the vid ....  amazing up until that

he pjed me, tho it was obvious but guess not...

9:45, Speced out a skele with a ags, pro.

Very nice vid, liked it alot.


Good video


9:45, Speced out a skele with a ags, pro.

Very nice vid, liked it alot.

Yeah, i put that in for the luls.

i really enjoyed that video one of the best i've watched recently. I loved the hybriding =)


First kill was amazing, seriously good video rare i find one like it.

2 dfs xd

nice vid, shouldnt put misleading info tho, #1?

Sorry to say i didnt like.

To me, the whole farcasting with autocast barrage and then jus ags speccing doesnt do it...

and too much killing 1 itemers or faggots, whether it be good loot or not, if u get good loot but shit clips, cut them down massivly, and jus show kill and loot.

Try get a bit more variety then jus autocast barrage and then ags spec etc :/

my honest view.

Rockin Robes

I'm watching video 3, it's really nice.


I loved it really, showed great hybriding. Got a couple nice loots, good variety pked in different locations. First time I enjoyed watching d claws for 1 clip because if you died you would've lost whip lolol. Music wasn't bad, some different weapons could've added just that extra little bit needed, but it was pretty good without. Some nice  2hits with AGS in edge lol.

I'll give it a 9/10 I think editing and more weapon variety would be good.


Sorry to say i didnt like.

To me, the whole farcasting with autocast barrage and then jus ags speccing doesnt do it...

and too much killing 1 itemers or faggots, whether it be good loot or not, if u get good loot but shit clips, cut them down massivly, and jus show kill and loot.

Try get a bit more variety then jus autocast barrage and then ags spec etc :/

my honest view.

Dw, you're more of a edgeville pker?

If the above is true, you wouldn't appreciate this much :)

Thanks for cc

I loved it really, showed great hybriding. Got a couple nice loots, good variety pked in different locations. First time I enjoyed watching d claws for 1 clip because if you died you would've lost whip lolol. Music wasn't bad, some different weapons could've added just that extra little bit needed, but it was pretty good without. Some nice  2hits with AGS in edge lol.

I'll give it a 9/10 I think editing and more weapon variety would be good.

Thank you. On variety i used all my varied clips :p, clearly didnt have eno for this preview.


rofl killing drag killer was funniest great job on the clip selection


Nice vid, you're a very good hybrid :D, tad monotonous though.



All auto casting. Get a wand.


Kind of agree with Atomic, especially on that kid non skulled at drags with d skirt rune plate and whip or w/e. U just auto casted him for a minute, no blitzes, kind of boring.

Bit nh, overall vid pretty good.


I think it was sick man, Very nice job.


Video was good.

Misleading info at the end. You are not #1, we still hold the #1 spot for p2p. Notice how we called ourselves the #1 p2p pure clan until FI backed out of a F2p war, which made us the #1 pure clan.


Saw some really bad swaps and eating timings but overall it was a good video ;).

Got kinda boring in the end cuz of all the farcasting to k0 weapon.

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