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Yep got 20 defence. While I was rushing my barrage somehow clicked to defensive mode and got me 3 defence. then got 5 by myself and though oh shit this looks sexy. then while duelling at duel arena it toggled on again somehow. Anyways i got 20 and am completely happy with it and currently autoing my lvl 3 mule to become another 1 defence :) also while i auto the pure just going to train and max out quests on my account. quests im going to do are below the pics :P




swept away 100-9900xp (lvl*10xp, 10 times)

Myths of the White Lands 500xp (lamp)

meeting history 2500xp (lamps)

the great brain robbery 5000xp (lamp)

contact! 14000xp (2 lamps)

attack xp rewards:

tai bwo wannai trio 2500xp (and 2500 strength xp)

underground pass 3000xp

land of the goblins 3000xp (and and 2000 pray xp)

TokTz-Ket-Dill 5000xp (and 5000 attack xp)

scorpion catcher 6625xp

dealing with scabaras 7000xp (and 7000 pray xp)

roving elves 10000xp

death to the dorgeshuun 2000xp

zogre flesh eaters 2000xp

witch's potion 325xp

imp catcher 875xp

the giant dwarf 1500xp

the path of glouphrie 5000xp (and 30000 strength xp)

Enakhra's Lament 7000xp

swan song 15000xp (and 10000 prayer xp)

grim tales 5000xp

Mourning's Ends Part 1- 25000xp

rag and bone man 500xp

making history 1000xp

recruitment drive 1000xp

land of the goblins 2000xp (and 3000 strength xp)

ghosts ahoy 2400xp (+some prayer during quest)

another slice of ham 3000xp

rag and boneman 5000xp (wishlist)

spirit of summer 5000xp (and 1000 summon xp, requires 19summon)

dealing with scabaras 7000xp (and 7000 strength xp)

rum deal 7000xp

spirits of the elid 8000xp (and 1000 magic xp)

swan song 10000xp (and 15000 magic xp)

another slice of ham - ancient mace (bandos item for godwars), telespheres to goblin cities

family crest - gauntlets (cook/goldsmith/bolt)

haunted mine - salve ammy (melee bonus vs undead)

mountain daughter - bear helm (best 1def headgear, dont need to finish quest to get)

roving elves - crystal bow and ability to wield them (still looks cool but broad bolts are better)]

underground pass - iban staff+spell. only needs 50magic and hits up to 25.

prince ali rescue - free passage lumb/alkharid

as a first resort - pools giving temporarely infinite run energy, prayer lvl boost, hunter lvl boost, hitpoint lvl boost and a pool that makes bandos monsters stop attacking you (except in boss room)

eadgars ruse - trollheim tele

enlighthened journey - air balloon transport

mourning end part2 - craft death runes

smoking kills - bonus points from slayer tasks

swan song - fish monkfish

contact! - bank at thieving pyramid in the desert.

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another one bites the dust.. lol and ur story reminded me on what happend on one of my pures i also ruined.. got 70attack did 3-5 def by mistakes then got 20def and 75attack and then went zerker then quitted it lol..

PRetty sure u'll regret it once u got all those quests done lol.

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lol im botting another one atm. gonna do everything right i did wrong. anad yeh im not going to lie probs gonna eventually make this account into a turm pure than mainz0rz.

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