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M B- Void Mauler


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With the release of wild my goals start to wind down..


Finally got triple 94s with 50 attack. Couldnt be assed slaying last few levels so just banditted it from 83 slayer, should of atleast spirit maged my range but not afk

Also got 52 prayer for new wild to smite out some mugs. Smited out only one whip so far though, but 4 whip pks, also a bgs and darkbow


is my current good items, also have a good 20m in herbs, rune, mystic, arrows etc

PM 'M B' ingame if your around 86-88 combat and wanna pk with me

cool cheers

Hey everyone its been a good month for me trained a lot of levels and got a lot done



Trained to 90 strength and range 100% through slayer, cannoning dagganoths and aberrant spectres only. Meleed with a leaf-bladed sword; i was surprised that it isnt that terrible to slay, probably around the same as a drag scim. Also used prayer on nearly all tasks because its just easier..

For those interested the tasks i blocked due to being unafkable/too slow xp


greaters is a pet hate of mine

And got 90 magic


Made air orbs to 85 magic then strung jewellry at like 150kxp an hour

got 68 summoning too but no pic of that, from level 55, took around 1k crims 750 greens 300 blues that i got all from slaying.

oh, and got 43 defence when i got 68 summoning when cannoning aberrant spectres with war tortoise out, didnt notice until i leveled but lesson learned now



Got atleast another 20m in gear/slay drops etc in bank

The plan is to get triple 94s, 70 dunge and a void set and then pk a bit, then get all noncombats to 70

also the link to my last thread where u can see me at lower level:



account is looking yummy. Keep it up ;)


Interesting account, I like it. Greaters suck - I don't blame you for blocking them, but Spirit warriors are fast and good profit, kill the ones fighting @ GWD entrance, get a lot of alchables/rune kites & halberds.


Hell of an account, nice job, you remind me of Granite Hart, except he was 1 defense.


nice ac,c but why the fuck would you block greaters/jungle stryks theyre awesome tasks


nice ac,c but why the fuck would you block greaters/jungle stryks theyre awesome tasks

Jungles require way too much concentration and apart from Elite Clues, theyre not worth it drop wise. Greaters suck if you're not looking for range exp (Caged Greaters). You either have to deal with dogs in Brim or the random monsters in volcano.


weird acc, 43 def and 50attack.

But if it keeps entertaining for u keep doing it:D

Gratz on all lvls and gl in future:P


Spirit warriors are fast and good profit, kill the ones fighting @ GWD entrance, get a lot of alchables/rune kites & halberds.

i completely forgot about them fighting other !!

i was safespotting zammy ones and gettin odd rune halberds

gonna unblock em and do em in future thanks

also thanks for other comments


awesome account, keep it going ;)

Sam|L A S T Dayz

looking good :D


Amazing account, good luck!


Vnice account. I remember you and your old topics too, vnice. Gl with triple 94s. :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Oh god how I adore your account. <3 very nice, good luck Smiting narbs.


lololol Pro <3..

Btw im level 87 :)


hey dude im wanting to make an account like this but im not sure what quests are possible could you inbox me the quests you did?..... well the main quest you did e.g recipe for disaster

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