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Mod MMg talks about the wild


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Mod MMG: I just wanted everyone to know that the team and I are meeting again

Mod MMG: Later today to continue discussing the plans to bring back free trade/wildy

Mod MMG: Clearly the vast majority of the players want free trade & wildy back

Mod MMG: So it W I L L be back as the governor of California used to say :)

Mod MMG: There are no buts Maz. :) (In regards to there being any 'buts')

Mod MMG: We hope to have a detailed development plan tomorrow

Mod MMG: And then we shall share the timeline with the players

Mod MMG: No it's more tricky than that Maz (In regards to replacing new code with the old code)

Mod MMG: And there is content to be moved, etc.

Mod MMG: Never the less I wanted to assure everyone this is top priority

Mod MMG: And we will work around the clock to bring this back to the community ASAP

Mod MMG: So hang in there, I'm as excited about it as I expect you all are :D

Mod MMG: The plan is for all the worlds to have the original wildy back as before

Mod MMG: Not sure yet Kortho we're still discussing (In regards to corp being moved)

Mod MMG: So still lots to discuss about whats allowed in wildy i.e. weapons, etc

Mod MMG: All that we are on it. :)

Mod MMG: No worries

Mod MMG: Have a great weekend everyone

Mod MMG: Take care everyone

More in here:



I love you Sefket.

Thanks for the information once again :nice:


chaotic and korasi better not be allowed

Sam|L A S T Dayz

chaotic and korasi better not be allowed

they most likely will be.

thanks sefket


timeline? free trade/wildy return july 2011 tbh

#1 top priority and work around the clock = shouldn't take more than a week.


chaotic and korasi better not be allowed

Not sure why they would not allow it.


Why are they bringing it back though?

im not complaining about, i literally jizzed in my pants when i read about it.

but wont there be issues with rawt again?

so theyre kind of back to stage one?


Why are they bringing it back though?

im not complaining about, i literally jizzed in my pants when i read about it.

but wont there be issues with rawt again?

so theyre kind of back to stage one?

"Report: China Bans Gold Farming"

June 29, 2009 If you are planning on buying gold for your World of Warcraft character, act quickly. The price may be going up soon because of an official crackdown which should affect availability in a negative way.

Information Week reports that on Friday the Chinese government enacted new virtual currency regulations which, among other provisions, make gold farming illegal:

The ruling is likely to affect many of the more than 300 million Internet users in China, as well as those in other countries involved in virtual currency trading. In the context of online role playing games like World of Warcraft, virtual currency trading is often called gold farming...

The trading of virtual currency for real cash employs hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and generates between $200 million and $1 billion annually, according to a 2008 survey conducted by Richard Heeks at the University of Manchester.

He estimates that between 80% and 85% of gold farmers are based in China.

sounds like this richard heeks guy was a racist fuck head to me


Why are they bringing it back though?

im not complaining about, i literally jizzed in my pants when i read about it.

but wont there be issues with rawt again?

so theyre kind of back to stage one?

"Report: China Bans Gold Farming"

June 29, 2009 If you are planning on buying gold for your World of Warcraft character, act quickly. The price may be going up soon because of an official crackdown which should affect availability in a negative way.

Information Week reports that on Friday the Chinese government enacted new virtual currency regulations which, among other provisions, make gold farming illegal:

The ruling is likely to affect many of the more than 300 million Internet users in China, as well as those in other countries involved in virtual currency trading. In the context of online role playing games like World of Warcraft, virtual currency trading is often called gold farming...

The trading of virtual currency for real cash employs hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and generates between $200 million and $1 billion annually, according to a 2008 survey conducted by Richard Heeks at the University of Manchester.

He estimates that between 80% and 85% of gold farmers are based in China.


I care about this topic. Nice one Seffy.


Wildy comes back December 21st of 2012.


I just hope it will be like old wildy.. With the skull rule and shit. No bugs

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