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45 prayer?

angry kcf

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hey i need some help on thinking on geting 45 prayer i hybrid alot but still need to train more cause im rusty but i cant decide on 13 or 45 anyone give me some ups and downs about this

Gareth l Rare

stay 13, wait a week or 2 for everything to come back to normal

Watch how pking has changed and adapt accordingly


ok thank you cause i was just wondering cause if i got 45 was gonna like get some fire capes and go burst rock lobs for charms etc


Wildys back in 15 days, get 52


i dunno i dont want smite yet would rather see how it is at first then if i want get 52


Briding without overheads sucks. 52 would be best tho imo.


Why do people keep making these topics? - just saying - get 45, you can do everything at 45 that you can do at 13, but better. Bridding without overs is 100% luck.. so yeah.


52... dunno why people have to make these topics


Well what are your stats? I'd base what prayer you need on your stats, personally I like low prayer, but that's just me.


below 45 pray = auto shit

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