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Almost Maxed


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Are those hati gloves good? how long they give x2? thought it was just an update for mains but:o

they hard/easy to get?

And gratz and gl on 99:P


Extremely easy to get mate, there really good imo; they give u x2 for 10 hours.


you use autoalcher or just reg autoclicker?


I need to get me some of those tbh.


I need to get me some of those tbh.

I'm getting 66k ranged exp per hour at ogres using black knifes with them :D.

Congrats mate.


nice man, congrats.  :nice:


I'm alching with them too, exp is good :D I alch rune arrows for 45gp loss ea. I get them from ge fast for max.


'grats and yeah, Hati head & paws are extremely easy to get and the bonus exp with the paws lasts for 10 hours.


u can get 170k xp in strength at bandits if you are 95+

Andy get your ass in gear son!


Apparently there was a glitch with the gloves where if you spent zeals you got double exp still. Whether this is true or not I don't know.


What is your constitution level? Gl on 99 btw ;)


you use autoalcher or just reg autoclicker?

Wut is this?

What is your constitution level? Gl on 99 btw ;)

88 :)

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