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range pure

lVlr k0

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this is my most favorite tip of account and i am currently making one so far 45 range neally 46and also some oth my other plans are to get pc ranger set at 40 cb witch i hope to achieveif you sup[port me doing this then ill love use for ever good luck pking on 1st of feb guys!some noob with a borrowed SS! decided to steal my prey every time i attacked a rock crab for an hour so this set me back much xp!2lj59up.jpg 55 range

261zuwp.jpgsome picture i drew/ edited when i was bored ;P

aeupw0.jpgmy new gear and range level :D


nice man good luck with the goals ;)


Yeah, GL with the goals :)


Good luck getting 'pc range set' at 40 cb, when it requires 42 range, 42 mage, 42 attack, 42 strength, 42 defence, 22 prayer to even purchase any of it. There's also no such thing as a 'range pure' damn I didn't realise i'd gone back in time to 2005.


good luck. do try and add those pics so we don't get so bored reading about it :P


ok as joe reeb said i need all combat skills as 42 to get and wear witch strikes out my pc ranger set but oh well im still gonna aim for 99 range and hopefully finish it b4 new wildy


99 ranged in two weeks? Best of luck though! Don't give up.


Are you high? Or got a alarming low IQ?


both lol and i use chinchompas and soon to be red chins :P


Are you high? Or got a alarming low IQ?

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