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Honor Pking


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Well I'm posting this because I was curious about what you guys consider honor pking. Do you feel rushing is honorable, and if so, only if you finish the fight? Please leave your opinions :D.




This is consider nh.

all the rest i have no problem with


Teleports = nh. Rush n running = nh. Anythin else fine by me.


This is consider nh.

all the rest i have no problem with

Oh I see, guess that would about cover it haha :)

Rushing is fine aslong as people dont run.


rushing and running, tagging in a 1v1 fight, and pjing, (unless tey have pjed u) and ofcore teleporting.


Not being a cock knocker and teleing(even rings of life.)/rushing/pjing me.

Wigan Gamer

Teleporting, pjing, tagging, Praying(protection) in DM, Running from DM, Rushing, not asking before fighting (similar to rushing)

In a fight (my opponent) can do do anything except tele/run/prot pray, i am fine with anything else.

those are for solo pk.

In multi I dont think there is :)

Y4nk33 D33s

teles, rushing, pray 1v1, tag. they are all nh moves. dont do it


Teleports = nh. Rush n running = nh. Anythin else fine by me.

^what he said


1 iteming in front of public is pretty disgusting nh tbh


The "no honor" deal has been argued for so long that it doesn't even bother me anymore. Really is just a game that people play to have fun and some people have fun "no honoring". I do understand how frustrating it can be though :P but people are just gonna have to suck it up and realize its never gonna end :(


People pretty much summed it up.

To clarify one thing: You can rush people. When people step into the wilderness, they should be PREPARED. I could care less about asking people to fight, rather I would stick them with barrage, and if they pray, I'll hybrid them and pray the whole fight; this is how I pked back as far as rs2 came out... People have complained, but hey, it's their fault for not being prepared or throwing on prayer first.

EDIT: I wouldn't suggest doing it today; pvp is a mess and you will get tagged/pjed to hell  :sleep: .


Say a person is alching in the wild to get up their EP. If you rush them and get the kill, is that considered no-honor? I have been thinking it was honorable, since they stepped into the wilderness they should be prepared like m1ni said above, but just checking.


yeah i don't think rushing is NH tbh, if they are not prepared, then it's their own fault, tagging is definately NH, it's just a generally annoying thing to do, and people hate you for it, but i'm sure everyone does it from time to time, teleing, definately NH, praying 1v1 first, definately NH.


Rushing is not no honour.

x kill die x

Of course teleing, rushing, safeing sumwhat, etc....pretty much self-explanatory

x kill die x

Pking is Nh.

LOl? elaborate maybe? :D

X Apokalypse

no venge no smite


no venge no smite

well tbh i never used to find veng a problem, although i do think 1 item is just pointless and nh, teles are DEFINATLY nh, and so is pjing. other things like rushing and running are nh but i dnt see much of that anymore  :nice: back to the veng point, i think it's like ring of recoil, if u can do it why hold back, it's an upper hand in pking it's not nh at all.
Got A Big Un

tagging, pjing a 1v1, running from a DM, ring of lifes and luring is what i consider to be no honour


If you blitz->g maul and spec it's nh to me even if you don't run after.


I don't mind being rushed as long as they stay to finish the fight.

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