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Honor Pking


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Teleports = nh. Rush n running = nh. Anythin else fine by me.

you dont mind pjing and prayng 1v1?

Of course teleing, rushing, safeing sumwhat, etc....pretty much self-explanatory

Safing isn't nh. Learn to ko/combo pls.


If you rush and run thats Nh imo, but if they rush and then carry on fighting if they failed to kill thats honor. Obvs teles aren't. Tbh I hate farcasters, Imo i think thats nh but other may think it isnt

Rockin Robes

I consider Honor Pk'ing the following:

Not bringing teleports (Unless hybriding at drags, etc.)

Not Rushing

Not Praying (Unless your opponent does first, or you're being tagged/pjed)

Not tagging

Not Pj'ing

Not safing (Unless your opponent does first)


Rushing without asking to fight or letting pot = NH

Teleing in multi or edge = NH

Pjing at any time unless getting a no itemer off your friend = NH

Attacking someone and running out of wild then attacking them again = NH

Protection prayers in 1v1 = NH

Farcasting = NH

1 Item Noobs = NH

Hiding from your target = NH


Lmfao for all these people saying that rushing with blitz and g maul spec is honor are you serious? you really believe hitting someone with mage them rushing them with a spec is honor pking?

X Apokalypse

Lmfao for all these people saying that rushing with blitz and g maul spec is honor are you serious? you really believe hitting someone with mage them rushing them with a spec is honor pking?

I like to venge lag claw my targets am I nh

Rushing isn't too bad as long as its not in the form of 'spec n run'ing


What if the rush n spec kills you? Is it still honor?

owner mighty

i dont think rushing and finish the fight to death is nh..


i only "rush" zerkers/tank rangers. Always show respect to pures =]

| Kosturo |

This is consider nh.

all the rest i have no problem with

I think Ultra cover the topic:P



This is consider nh.

all the rest i have no problem with

I think Ultra cover the topic:P


I wanted opinions
Jr Hitpoints

i think if u rush ppl then run its nh but if u stay and fight i dont think its nh


yeah sure you can rush, why should you have to kiss someones ass to have a fight, if they're in the wild they need to be prepared, if you run cause you don't KO with spec then yeah thats definitely NH,

also with far casting i don't think that should be considered Nh cause really if i spend the cash to level mage up to use the spells i can use them how i want,

i don't have to sit there and take your sword swings while i cast if i don't have to,

and if I'm being prepared by being a hybrid, maybe they should be too.


honor/nh same thing who cares its a game its the wilderness be prepared for shit to happen. i only didnt tele so i could join a clan. and i only didn't pray or pj cuz those two are homo and fags will pray back/pj me back


I think that blitz-mauling is honour if you stay to finish the fight, because its still fighting, your just using your spec first.


rush should be fine but if u dont run after else its like spec and running.... thats NH but anyways i dont rush


Iff you rush someone and they pray and you run is that nh since they prayed you spec's ?

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