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Is this for real? They said otherwise in the FAQ.


bipolar fuckers


Is this for real? They said otherwise in the FAQ.

Yeah its on the Live FAQ thats happening right now on page 2 or 3.


Atleast let me pick-up my fcape/godcape/books...


Torso,Firecape,Godcape,Book should aloud to pickup well maybe not torso but you know.


I don't really care. I don't have a firecape or voids. and I don't pk with torso on my main.


I don't really care. I don't have a firecape or voids. and I don't pk with torso on my main.

Yes but you would if you could without losing it, idiot.


ffs air obelisk is still going to be in the wilderness


ffs air obelisk is still going to be in the wilderness

Was there in 2007, thats why its called the WILDERNESS



ffs air obelisk is still going to be in the wilderness

Was there in 2007, thats why its called the WILDERNESS


obvious joke is obvious

Why the fuck would they not allow untradables?


Not fussed 83 mith fenders 3 firecapes. iaintevenmad


That is WELL fucked up, if you clearly read what was on the FAQ it states you can come back for some stuff now it says you CAN'T something funny is going on tbh I wouldn't believe anything until it comes out, my opinion anyways.

This is straight of the FAQ why would they say this then?

What about untradeable items like Dungeoneering rewards/Korasi’s sword/fire capes etc? How will these work in the Wilderness?

One of three things will happen. Some objects will vanish, some drop cash (like anchor pre 07, will include Korasi’s sword), others drop a tradable equivalent (like summoning headgear that’s enchanted being dropped un-enchanted). Most popular untradeable PvP equipment will not vanish.


good, if u risk shit even untradeables u should just lose them lol


Atleast let me pick-up my fcape/godcape/books...



yea i suspected it was not gona be a 100% old wilderness


I like not being able to pick up untradebles. Overpowered gear without decent risk makes it less enjoyable to pk.


I like not being able to pick up untradebles. Overpowered gear without decent risk makes it less enjoyable to pk.


People could pk with almost all untradeble items.


Atleast let me pick-up my fcape/godcape/books...

u abit new m8 ppl were never able to pick god capes up after they died

they just vanished!



Kinda shitty.. Wasn't it supposed to be as close to the old wild as possible



I just want to know what will happen to chaotics, how they will sort that whole deal idk...


Its bullshit, you used to be able to go back and get untradeables so much for old wildi FAGEX.

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