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Seeing as how the old topic got bumped to like page 100, thought I'd start a new one. The IRC channel has come a long way since I first made it and have a good 30-40 people in it at once. The channel is not clan biased, with me and alejandro being the only ops. Long time dungeoneering members who have demonstrated dungeoneering skills and activity are halfops and they will help to moderate the channel. I have not encountered anyone abusing their powers, so am quite confident that #puredung will be a great experience.

Rules: (If broken, you may find yourself kbed from the channel, or may experience a hatred towards you making it hard to find teams)

Respect your peers: Leave your clan conflicts out of this. We are here to dungeoneer together and have fun, not to brag about which clan is better.

No ragequitting: We all die from time to time, get over it. If caught with picture/video evidence, you will be booted and kbed from the irc channel.

Share resources: If you are NOT a skiller, I do not want to see you hugging all the coins. If you are clearing out rooms, I do not want to see you with a half inventory of food while your peer has none. Use common sense, if you see a whole pile of food, grab about 2-3 and let others do the same.

No leeching: Please do not sit in one place and do nothing. AND please don't say you're a skiller and just sit and leech; it is easy to distinguish skilling and leeching, since a good skiller will have stacked home teleport with a notable amount of supplies ~1/4 into the dungeon and will have probably filled the entire home teleport rug by the end of the dungeon. I know, because I usually skill.


Yeh idle, relax with the hl's tho please :nice:


If i wasn't 1 dung i would. All you fuckers are 80+


idk when i left everyone was an asshole because im low cb.


Yeah really, I'd like to get into dung but I'm like lvl 6 and there's really nobody else to do it with :s


I used to go in but got sick of getting mass highlighted every 10 seconds.


Im 68 dung, and looking for other pures to dung with.

But i dunno how IRC works :(


mass-hling is mad annoying and no one fucks all with u if your low dung so..


mass-hling is mad annoying and no one fucks all with u if your low dung so..



Masshighlight will be there for people to find teams... as long as no one abuses it, it will be fine.


if ur low dung ur fucked


Are accounts with any defence level still welcome? I used to join the clanchat in game back when you first launched it, but since then I've stopped coming in.


Are accounts with any defence level still welcome? I used to join the clanchat in game back when you first launched it, but since then I've stopped coming in.



Im becoming a barrows staker but i do dung somewhat im 86dung atm but if any low lvl dungeoneers or low lvl cb need help i'll be more then willing to help get you started or help as much as i can rs name is hit m harder message me here if you need help =]


Gonna use this in the near future, hope it stays alive.


i get better luck in #finalownage tbh lol


Sweeeet :p

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