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adios amigos

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare


Music to set the mood.

Well i have been reassessing whats important and i have been dossing to much here.

I had a long walk last night and had a smoke when i had an epiphany. Bitch i wana go UNI and make something of myself so i can pay back the people who made me who i am today.

Got my friends, my famo and them special people which blood couldnt make us closer. Ive msg's them all with a long essay saying whats the deal and now im going to do whats best for me.

Now im not tied down with my chick i got sex buddies on the sly so link>or play 3-4 at a time....  :shifty: not saying im this big player or anything and not boasting, anyone with a understanding of chick phycology can manipulate a woman to do what ever they want.

Its a dangerous game, a woman's emotions are something not to be fucked with.

(not being a hypocrite but i no when to draw the line)

As this is my farewell im not begging attention unlike some  :whistle: haha <3

I may lurk some times but most likely this is bye for a while.

As a going away present all i ask is if you can help me do these 3 surveys for my college course. Id be most grateful if you could do this last act of decency for me.

Why go?

Well foe has become a rampage, people believe #OT is this big troll gang and if you dont roll with us you'll get flamed and wrecked.

Well here's the news ladies  :shifty: #OT is a load of bollox! I made it up as a joke and me and joe kept it going because people were like "omg omg omg i wana app plz plz plz plz".. Jesus people act so childish  :lol: Dont be a fucking sheep! Lead your self and if people cant accept you for that then fuck them!

Foe has become another msn/facebook for people to talk.

Dont do anything clan related, i just help a few people out with gfx YES YOU BABY ANDY and others and tbh its cool because they are grateful and that means alot.

But its a minor to jam here and doss hours, so ima kick off and say adios. But ill be back one day when i sorted all my stuff out

Just means you can find me on RS if you need me

If you want my facebook ask my fellow sex slaves for it.


  • screw you guys, im going home  :shifty: shifty unit ftw
  • Help me with some college work, id appreciate it a hell of a lot.
  • #OT was the biggest troll going, people got scared of something that never existed    :rofl:
  • Foe is the new black and no i dont mean OBR  :wow:
  • Jim sells rakes

Well could you please do these for me  :friends: also if you dont no what to say just make it up but make it sound believable and positive... dont try troll

Eastenders - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y6GH8QM

Coca cola - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YZMNX8G

Comic - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YZSZM9L

Ill also post one more survey later on tonight.


Boy: "Do you want to play the fire engine game?"

Girl: "How do you play that?"

Boy: "My fingers are the fire engine and I drive up your legs. You say 'Red light!' when you want me to stop."

Girl: "Okay, let's play."

Few moments later...

Girl: "Red light!"

Boy: Fire engines don't stop for red lights.

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Gareth l Rare

Thanks guys, just do the surveys for me haha

Got letter from 2 of the unis i applied for so (yn) just got to get the work done.

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Fuck man, you were one of the people that I thought was cool on these forums -.-..

Ah well, I did the surveys for ya mate.

Hope you have a good life, you should and it pays off for sure.

I always were able to combine life, work, school and forums/rs tbh.

But I get your point, I ain't on here a lot anymore either.

Just a couple hours, not everyday atleast.

Just keep us updated bro ;).

Smoke a fatty for me please haha, I'll do the same!

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i created #ot, whether you all want to accept that is your choice!  B)

but i'll miss you, even though you don't like me that much and you've declined every app for my rightful place in #ot, your suttle discontent for my random bullshit keeps me in line.


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Goodluck at Uni and pull all the birds going. Hope you achieve everything you want. See you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv

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Don't go, i'm back now </3 also wtf kid I founded, lead and wrote the fucking book about #OT, don't get it twisted son.

Nah but seriously people take the whole '#OT' thing way too seriously XD

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thanks for the long loving message you cunt twat..


[message me your cell # and i'll send you loads of inappropriate funny pictures and such]

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