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Soyuffies Achievements

Vo Z

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Short term Goals

70/75 Ranged

68/75 Strength

54/60 Attack

60/70 Magic

64/100 Questpoints

Mith Gloves/Addy gloves

I will then make my way to foe applicant and start joining you guys on the fun.

I used to have a 74+9 pure but was hacked and no longer in control of it

Had 135+ QP huge bank and awesome stats. That's why I started this pure.


Comments etc appreciated.


Please refrain from trolling on the thread, don't see how it's helpful and no'one is original anyways with it. (That doesn't mean try to find something witty and original)


I run a private merch clan on the account


Nice good luck on your goals and amazing bank for your level :)


Amazing bank, what's your net worth? Good luck on your short term goals, I'm sure you'll achieve them within no time - you should chin the range, your bank could cope with supplies for 99 if you so desired.


around 80m networth currently

Should be around 120m by free trade. And then at that point who knows, have over 3b on main haha.

And yep im actually currently chinning to 80 got 70-76 in around  2 hours using paws


Pro. I have a lot to transfer too (:


Was wondering if anyone can join your clan could do with a bit extra my self :)


We are deciding on if we open to to the public or not after free trade. Need to see how the ge mechanics are


Ill do dt soon

Update: lost 20k chins due to ring of lifes shitty help

Gf 16m

got back to grave in time to keep rangers

pretty sad mummie loot protected over them


gl with all ur goals, depending on the type of merch clan, i would say its pretty much dead :S


Ill do dt soon

Update: lost 20k chins due to ring of lifes shitty help

Gf 16m

got back to grave in time to keep rangers

pretty sad mummie loot protected over them

Wow dude, that sucks. Although I guess it's only a fraction of your bank, you could probably make that back flipping within a few days..


Sexy account. Keep it up. Goodluck with your goals and looking forward to reading your foe app



And nice cash with how you made it;)

I do the same ^^

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