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1 Month


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Hey guys, my pure after 1 month! (GOING ON TWO)


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[glow=red,2,300]Some of my future goals:[/glow]

I plan on getting 99 magic hopefully pretty shortly, need roughly a few mil more or so, and I def need the time.. Once I get 80+ range or so, I'mma go do some pure ess/avaisnes or what ever so I can make enough cash and then I'm going to get 99 mage, xfer all my mains cash to my pure, buy claws, chin to 99 range, and then I'll find a way to get my strength up. I think I'm doing good for considered how I have everything I need and what not.


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Hey guys, my pure after 1 month!(GOING On TWO (EDITED FOR WASABI)


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[glow=red,2,300]Some of my future goals:[/glow]

I plan on getting 99 magic hopefully pretty shortly, need roughly a few mil more or so, and I def need the time.. Once I get 80+ range or so, I'mma go do some pure ess/avaisnes or what ever so I can make enough cash and then I'm going to get 99 mage, xfer all my mains cash to my pure, buy claws, chin to 99 range, and then I'll find a way to get my strength up. I think I'm doing good for considered how I have everything I need and what not.


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If that's a month you'd be the new dutch lmfao.

Nice stats tho, gl maxing out

Gimmie another month or 2.

I'll be apping soon, just thought I'd get people to 'know me' so I don't come up in here with any vouches. :)

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Haha, yeah almost 76 range.

Once I get atleast 80+ range, might hit bandits get 75 str or so.

then get back to range, get around 90 or what ever, then start vidding for next pk vid.

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Hey guys, my pure after 1 month! (GOING ON TWO)


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[glow=red,2,300]Some of my future goals:[/glow]

I plan on getting 99 magic hopefully pretty shortly, need roughly a few mil more or so, and I def need the time.. Once I get 80+ range or so, I'mma go do some pure ess/avaisnes or what ever so I can make enough cash and then I'm going to get 99 mage, xfer all my mains cash to my pure, buy claws, chin to 99 range, and then I'll find a way to get my strength up. I think I'm doing good for considered how I have everything I need and what not.


Go outside!

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1 month? You need to unlock a song called "Life" or turn off the bot.

(*cough* agrees with Devuuur, because we are kool *cough*)

*coughs* I'm actually sick


But yeah if that's a month, I know it's a clichéd thing to say, but you play way too much ><

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