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Rate my pure.


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Rate my pure plx.

Future stats I'll be getting are; 70 str 80 range and 85 magic. While staying 2 def and 31 prayer. I'll be level 64 with  73HP.

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I was going to get claws, but lifes a bitch and theyre sky rocketing. and I cbf making the extra 1m/day to try and catch up with 'em. In total I've got around 31.1M to my name.

So I make do with out.

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I think like 7/10 cuz u have enough money to get like 82+ magic =]

And how the h@lll u got so much money on so low lvl?

Merchanting, and hunter.

And 85 magic will cost me approx 1-2M. :D

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Use all the money to get good stats.

3 Def n 31 Pray = FTL.

I misclicked on a dds spec and hit 20-20. Gf 1 def. Hello 2 Def.

And what prayer am i meant to get at 2 def..? want me to get 44? no thanks.

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sell some of your items. and the crap like robin hat/ROL's etc. flip/merch and make money while you train. and then at higher lvls you will have alot of money to burn on power training :)

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