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So i havent played RS since i left FOE when i quit a while ago now. Anyway i have this account i got given a few years ago and ive decided to train it up a bit either for my use or to sell it on in a few weeks.


Decided to get 60 Agility but any advice on what i should do next? Also i havent tried the dungeon skill, is it any good?


keep it to wildy :) u wont regret


if ur planning on keepin it you can try get zurmoil if teh bank is good other wise sell and start a pure ;P sell for (game cash like 300m) or so well idc idk do what eva you want

Sam|L A S T Dayz

if your bank can handle it then get turmoil. i wouldnt go for agil at ape atoll until 70-75. try the wilderness one. you fail much less and its much more efficient for your lvl


Start over.

Nice original post buddy  :nice:


you have alot of options bro.

If your bank is good enough, get tourmoil, maybe sell for game cash and xfer to a new acc, max it out, slay, get higher sum, train dung :)

If u decide to keep the acc, theres alot of work ;)

btw; nice to see you again bro :nice:


Start over.

Nice original post buddy  :nice:

Lol, atleast someone is honest (me). Anyway, by start over I mean you should make a pure or such & maybe sell that account for Runescape/IRL cash?


you have alot of options bro.

If your bank is good enough, get tourmoil, maybe sell for game cash and xfer to a new acc, max it out, slay, get higher sum, train dung :)

If u decide to keep the acc, theres alot of work ;)

btw; nice to see you again bro :nice:

Cheers mate, the bank is no where near good enough for turmoil, so i might just slay for a bit until the members runs out and if i feel ive got time to start again i might make a low level pure and xfer the cash.

Start over.

Nice original post buddy  :nice:

Lol, atleast someone is honest (me). Anyway, by start over I mean you should make a pure or such & maybe sell that account for Runescape/IRL cash?

I don't know if you read the post but i said id been given the account, i asked what i can do with that account, not whether to make a new one. Also, it's a main, there is no point in starting over.


You have completely misunderstood the meaning of a facepalm. You used it because you now realise you look like a cunt.


You have completely misunderstood the meaning of a facepalm. You used it because you now realise you look like a cunt.

I'd say that to you.

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